Thursday 12 September 2013

shot types and sounds from Doc martin

Shot types: 

Master shot used at the start to show where the action will happen and introduced you to the characters involved in this scene. From this shot we can tell which character is most important by the way they are arranged, the tallest shows they're the main character and then the lower level you are the less part you have in that specific scene. A close up was then used on the dad as he started to speak. Then a shot reverse shot was used during their conversation. we can tell who is talking to who from their eye level, if they are looking up it shows they would be talking to the person standing and if looking down it would show them talking to a character lower then them. Another close up was used on the dad to show him looking down because the arrangement had changed of the characters.


The sounds used in Doc Martin was background music through out the clip to show different atmospheres and create a certain mood. The music was up beat and also slow depending on when it was used. There was also a variety of different sounds such as the phone ringing in the house, dog barking before being introduced, cups, pillows, door bell when it's opened, hover in the police station, seagulls that shows where the clip is set and footsteps.

The different types of sounds used in this clip, they are:

  • Diegetic: any sounds used on set within the story line either on scene or off.
  • Non-diegetic: sounds put into the scene to create an affect/mood. they do not happen naturally. For example: sound effects/music
The diegetic sounds in Doc Martin was the cups being placed down, the pillows, water pipe bursting, phone ringing, dog barking, hover and the paper being cut.
The non- diegetic sounds was the music at the start for the introduction and the music throughout the clip used to create different types of moods.

  • Synchronous: sounds that happen on screen
  • Asynchronous: sounds that happen off screen
From Doc Martin the synchronous sounds used was the cups being put onto the side, the pillows, water pipe bursting, phone ringing, dog barking, the hover, and the paper being cut.
The asynchronous sounds used was the music throughout the clip, seagulls and the people calling.


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