Monday 23 September 2013

regional identity of the greek yogurt avert

Regional identity: 

Regional identity is what you can learn from the clip when looking at the scenery or the characters.

From the greek yogurt avert you can see a variety of features used in the scenery or about the person that tells you where the advert is set.
For examples: The old fashion buildings. Pathways/dirt tracks used as roads. Greek language. Background music using greek theme tunes. Clothes are old fashion/no designer fabrics. Characters and their way of life by using traditional ways. The child has spear time which he spends out in the village looking after his cow because their is no tv or play station. The boy is allowed to be away from the house where his mum can not see him, without getting into any trouble and he seems to be only 9 years old. Mum stays at home looking after the children and cleans the house, we assume dad is at work providing for the family. Traditional way of cleaning the mat/carpet by beating it because there is no hoover. Botcher preparing to kill the cow where everyone can see, with his sharpened knifes to get the meat, there is no factories to do it for you. The little boy stops him and is allowed to just take the cow with no fret from the botcher. Greek tanned skin. Peaceful life and calm life because not many people. Horses/donkeys used for transport.

All these factors lead you to think the clip is showing you the traditional greek way of life, its rural and makes you want to live the same simple life. However at the end of the clip the telephone rings this shows and makes us as a viewer believe that the clip is set in modern days but you can still have the rural greek life with the greek yogurt.

Shot types:

shot types are a variety of different camera angles used for a specific moment in a clip.

The shots used in the total greek yogurt advert are: Establishing shot to show where the location will be during this scene of the clip, in this case its the filed.
Master shot which shows where the action will happen but it limits the amount of action you are allowed to see.
Close ups are used to show important moment and to show the viewers important moment. A close up also helps the viewer get to know the characters and shows their reaction in detail. In this clip a close up was used on the main object of this clip which was the total greek yogurt.

Medium close ups show the characters from the chest to the head, allowing you to see the reaction of the character but also some of the scenery.
Long shots are used to show the whole person from head to toe, this shot was used when the botcher was sharpening his knifes to kill the cow.

Extreme long shot show the area the character/characters are in, this shot was used when the boy was running back to the house to tell his mum the cow had gone and also when he asked the man what way the cow had gone.

The shot types are used to show further regional identity. You can see this because many close up shots highlight a important moment, that shows the clip is set in a rural greek, country,village. A good example of this is the close up used on the little boys face. This shows his tanned skin, dark hair and dark eyes. We can clearly infer that he is greek. This supported through out the clip with many other shots to lead you to thinking the clip is tradition greek life.


There are different types of sounds used in media. These are: diegetic: any sound within the story line which can be on set or off, non-diegetic: sound effects put into the story line to create a certain mood or effect, synchronous: sounds that occur on screen and asynchronous: sounds that occur off screen.

The diegetic sounds where the bell being rung, the beating of the mat and the botcher sharpening his knifes.
The non-diegetic sounds used in this clip where the greek background music, the telephone ringing during the end of the clip and then final the narrator speaking.
Synchronous sounds where the phone ringing, the bell, beating the mat and then the botcher's knife's.
Asynchronous sounds where the background music and the narrator.

The traditional greek music in the background during the clip helps to show the viewer regional identity. This is because you can clearly hear the greek instruments through out helping you to imaging/think that this clip is set in a greek village that is still traditional.

Mise-en scene: 

Mise- en scene is anything that can be suggested about the characters or where the clip is set.

The fields and mountains suggest that the clip is set in the countryside/village. Also the characters tanned skin, dark hair and dark eyes show that they are greek, this is supported with the language they are speaking. we do not understand as a viewer what they are saying but from regional identity, shot types, sounds and mise-en scene we can imagine what they are saying because the clip leads you to think a certain way. When the boy lets the cow out of the field it makes us think he wants his mums attention. However we then find out that he wanted to be seen as the hero when getting the cow back so he could have his total greek yogurt. Lastly from the mum being in the house we can infer that she is at home cleaning and looking after the house, she's playing the traditional role of a women, in the traditional greek village.

Mise- en scene also shows regional identity as we can identify anything that may suggest something about the person. Normally what we suggest about the characters always leads to the greek life or greek couture and rural greek ways. This helps support regional identity and shows that the clip is set in the greek village.

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