Monday 19 May 2014

Class &Status

Camera Work
The representation of Class&Status is shown through Camera work with the use of shot types, angles, movement & composition
At the beginning of the clip there is a high angle shot, this allows you to see the girl character looking up at the boy, meaning the boy is looking down on the girl. This shows the boy to have a higher status as he is looking down at the girl, belittlleing her. Shortly after this there is a close up of the new girl character that has been introduced. During this close up you can see the girls reaction to the situation that is taking place, which is known as a reaction shot, she is portrayed to have a low status as she is shown sitting in the background with no contol of what is happening. Next there is a over the shoulder shot & again the boy character is looking down on the girl showing a higher status. However after this there is a extreme close up of the boys eyes, this aloww you too see the panic and fear in his eyes, this could suggest that he no longer has the high status because he has lost contol of the situation. There is a tracking shot of the boy character when he is running away, this shows low status as he is not big enough to stand up & face up to what he has done. After there is a long shot of the hall way and a new women character is introduced in the background, this could suggest that the women has a higher status than the others because the whole shot is focused on her and the more screen time a character gets the more important they are. Another over the shoulder shot is used but this time the new women character is looking down on the girl as she has a lower status than the women as she is dying. A high angle is used on the school car park, during this shot school children are shown running around, this shows they have a low status as they are school kids. A tilt is used on the boy character, he is still shown to have a higher status as he still has the gun in his had,representing him to be powerful. Another high angle is used of the girl character when she is lying dead on the floor, this shows low status as she is lifeless. Following this there is a medium close up of another women character that is introduced, during this shot it shows middle class as the denotation is she's wearing a suit & connotes she is a professional of some sort and also suggests higher status as she has been informed about the situation. After there is a extreme long shot of the boy walking in the streets, he is shown to be very small compared to the world around him, therefore showing him to have a very low status as he is very small, showing no power. There is a long shot following this showing the police men and women with their guns, this shows middle class as they are police men or women and also shows higher status because they have guns and are in control of the situation. 

Mise-en scene
Secondly the representation of Class&Status is portrayed through Mise-en scene with the use of setting, lighting, decor, costume ect. 
The realism of the characters is portrayed to be very realistic as stereotypically teenagers that have been brought up by a working class family would be portrayed in the same way by having the same rude attitudes and bad tempered, angry body langauge. Versimilartude is also shown a number of times throughout the clip because the storyline is very believable a similar to real life situation. The denotation of the boy character is that he has a gun. Further more you can connote that he is going to fill someone with it.  
The costume of the characters being a very untidy school uniform, with the boy character wearing a hoodie and the girl character wearing hooped earrings and a chain neckless. This shows working class as wearing hooped earrings and hoodies are a stereotype of working class people. Due to the fact that the boy has a gun it shows both Class&Status as the boy is shown to have a higher status because he has the power and control over the girl character, meaning he is dominate and she is subservient. However he is shown to be working class as he has a gun which is associated with working class gangs. The teacher that is introduced towards the end, wearing the suit is shown to be model class as she is wearing a suit but also portrayed to have an higher status than the other teacher because she is wearing casual clothes but also the character in the shot takes control of the situation showing she has a higher status. The setting and decor of the house portrays middle class because of the luxuries they have that are shown in various shots. On the other hand the other location of the back streets, ally's and gardens show working class as it looks very much like an estate. 

Thirdly the representation of Class&Status can also be shown through sounds by diegetic, non- dieget, synchronous and a synchronous sounds
The screaming of the girl character at the start of the clip is diegetic and synchronous. It shows the girl to have a low status as she is scared. There are also police sirens, this is diegetic and synchronous, they portray a high status as stereotypically police men/women have a high status. Also the dialogue of the police men when he is shouting shows a high status because he is I control and the boy character with the gun listens to him and does what he says, the dialogue is also diegetic and synchronous. The music throughout the the clip is non- diegetic and asynchronous, the music allows you to know when the action is about to take place as it will get more up beat when something is about to happen. The two gun shots throughout the clip are diegetic and synchronous, this shows working class as guns are stereotypically used by working class people. 

Lastly the representation of Class&Status can be shown through a number of editing techniques of either continuity editing or montage editing.
Throughout the clip there are a number of eyeliner matches used to show a high and low status of the characters. This is because when the characters are looking down on another character, for example the girl character, it shows they have the higher status and the character they are looking down on have a low status. At the beginning of the clip a shot reverse shot is used to help keep continuity when in conversation, this also allows the audience to interact with the characters and see their reactions to what the other character is saying. A number of straight cuts are also used, this is a form of montage editing. 

Overall the representation of Class&Status is shown through camera work, Mise-em scene, sound and editing to portrays both working class & middle class and high and low statuses. 

Monday 12 May 2014

Homework- Tuesday 13th cross media convergence & synergy

Question One- (institutions&audiences) Cross Media Convergence & Synergy are vital processes in the successful marketing of media products to audiences. To what extent do you agree with this statement in relation to film?

Both Cross Media Convergence and Synergy are an important process to help create success from the marketing of film to audiences and institutions. 

- Cross media convergence
The combining of two or more mediums (media products) Such as, the release of a film and a sound track, therefore the music industry & the film industry work together. For example: When Adele released a sound track for the film Skyfall at the same time as the film was released.

- Synergy 
The release of two or more products to promote each other. Meaning they have a beneficial relationship, known as symbiotic. For example: the film promotes the sound track, which promotes the DVD, which promotes the game Ect.  

- Marketing 
The advertising process of the film, this is done by the distributors to raise awareness of up coming films. For example: trailers, teaser trailers, posters, interviews, pop ups, posts via social networks & merchandise. 

For the majority of films the marketing process is the most important part & sometimes more money is spent on marketing the films than actually making it. Cross media convergence & synergy are both used to help promote the film to a wider level, therefore creating a bigger audience as more people are likely to see the advertisement because some people might listen to the sound track and others might watch the trailer. This affects the audience in a positive way because it allows them to be more aware of new up coming films, whereas in earlier years the only way you would know what films were coming out was by going to the cinema. Cross media convergence & synergy also affects institutions because although they may end up spending more money on marketing they will make a bigger profit in the end due to the fact that the use of synergy, having two products released to promote each other have a beneficial relationship, meaning more money is likely to be made because they have more products to make money from. For example: cinema ticket sales & sound track sales. For example: Skyfall made a total profit of over 1 billion dollars. 

Referring back to my case study, Skyfall, released in 2012 used cross media convergence within the marketing process as they released Adele's sound track along with the release of the film. This is beneficial for both institutions and audiences because it allows institutions to gain a bigger audience and helps them compete with competition from other films but also allows the audience to interact with the film as they could be familiar with the sound track before they watch the film. The release of a sound track also benefits institutions as if the audience like the film they will buy the soundtrack or if they like the sound track they will go watch the film. 

Disney uses both synergy and cross media convergence for their marketing of films. For example: the Disney channel, Disney store, Disney land & Disney characters Ect. This helps promote new films and benefits the institutions because the Disney characters appeal to the target audience of young children, therefore making them want to watch the Tim because they like the characters. This also creates massive profit for Disney as they have a number of different platforms that they can make money from. This also has a positive impact for the audiences as it creates a buzz. 

Ill manors, a British film with a low budget of £100,000 which was directed and written by Plan B. Synergy was used as a famous singer was used to write & direct the film along with the release of the film, therefore the famous director will benefit the release of the film because part of the audience will like Plan B, meaning they will want to watch his film. Also cross media convergence was used with the release of the film and Plan B's sound track. This was beneficial for the institutions as it allowed them to gain a bigger audience, meaning more money. 

Section B revision

Institutions & Audiences

Answer planning:Use a PECA system to present your case in the exam

Point - make your point and use language form the actula question to establish your understanding.
Evidence - 'Back up' your argument (the point) with evidence from an Event Movie
(your hollywood case study) OR Indie Movie( British Film Case study)
Comparison then make a comparison between ONE film industry and the OTHER using connective language - However......On the other hand......Opposed to this..... On the contrary.... Similarly etc

Finally - Link everything back to the question through a concluding comment that Analyses the impact/difference/similarities

You should be familiar with: 
  • Issued raised by media ownership: Debate & explore the advantages & disadvantages of large conglomerates and smaller independent companies. For example: Film London Microwave, Film London's Micro-budget feature film & BBC Film produced Ill Manors (All independent companies). Whereas Sony & MGM produced Skyfall(Both large international conglomerate companies). 
Advantages & Disadvantages of big companies:

  • Will be able to take risks when making films.
  • Won't need to collaborate to secure funding.
  • Can be more ambitious with film. For example:Get bigger starts, have more special effects and travel to better locations.
  • More money and better links to related companies. For example: Sony Pictures Entertainment(Production Company) and Sony Pictures(Distribution Company) and Sony Platforms to exhibit film. 
  • Can use synergy and cross promote via games, music & toys etc.
  • Able to use Cross media convergence.
Production & Exhibition-
  • Films often have to satisfy a mass market and creatively film makers cannot take as many risks as so many large companies do satisfy and revenue to achieve.
  • The film has to do well at Box Office.
Advantages & Disadvantages of independent companies: 

Production & Exhibition-
  • Smaller independent companies can take more risks due to the fact that there is less money involved in the process of making the film. Bigger companies cannot do this. 
  • Less budget so the film will be less ambitious, with smaller scale cost, location and  special effects.
  • Often have to secure extra funding and finance.
  • Has to be targeted as less money to spend on distribution campaign.
  • The film is expected to make less revenue at the Box Office.
  • Can't withstand losses with Box Office returns.
  • Importance of cross media convergence & synergy: Within Production, Distribution & Marketing processes. 
Cross media convergence-
The combining of two or more mediums (media products) Such as, the release of a film and a sound track, therefore the music industry & the film industry work together. For example: When Adele released a sound track for the film Skyfall at the same time as the film was released.

The release of two or more products to promote each other. Meaning they have a beneficial relationship, known as symbiotic. For example: the film promotes the sound track, which promotes the DVD, which promotes the game Ect.

Cross media convergence & synergy are very similar but the key difference is that cross media convergence involves media products. Whereas synergy can involve non media products. For example: Merchandise.

  • Synergy & Cross media convergence- Film, CD, DVD, Game(media related products).
Synergy- Film and Sony watches, TV's, computers that have many links to Skyfall(not media related products).

Ill Manors: 
  • Synergy & Cross media convergence- Ill Manors film & Plan B's CD, the DVD, Blu-Ray and the website(media related products).
  • Synergy- Any clothing, calendars, that are released at the same time as the film(not media related).
  • Recent technologies that have been introduced: The continuing development of digital technology and how if effects the production, distribution, marketing, exchange and exhibition stages. 
Advantage & Disadvantages

Production- With the development of digital technologies, films are now shot on digital rather than film. This is an advantage because it keeps continuity of quality no matter how many times the film is shown. Whereas when shooting on film the quality decreases every time the film is shown.

Distribution- Due to the development of digital technology films are now sent to the cinemas by computer files instead of sent on roles of film in tins. This has both advantages and disadvantages. For example: it is a easier process and is a lot quicker. However the files are very easy to copy and piracy often takes place because it easy to do and it is very un likely that any one will know you have copied the file. 

Marketing- The development of digital technology allows the marketing process of the film to be worldwide as trailers on Youtube can be seen all over the world. This effects the institutions because it allows them to market their films on a number of different platforms making more profit. (More money is normally spent on marketing than actually making the film). This also effects the audience as it makes them more aware of new up coming films that are going to be released, whereas in previous years the only way the audience could find out what films are on is by going to the cinema. 

Exhibition- Developing technology of Tablets, iPads, TV's and smart phones ect effects both the institutions and audience. The audience has more choice of where they can watch the film and they can watch the films as many times as they like if they download it or buy it on DVD or watch it on VODInstitutions however can loose money because cinema views are decreasing as the audience no longer need to go to the cinema to watch a new film. However because of the proliferation of DVD players the institutions have more platforms they can make money from. For example: Cinema ticket sales and DVD sales.
  • Proliferation in hardware and content: To increase something or making it spread at a rapid rate. 
  • Digital cameras and 3D cameras
  • Iphones and Iplads
  • The internet and social networks
  • Mobiles with internet and cameras
  • DVD'S and Blu-Ray
Advantages & Disadvantages:

Effect on institutions- Allows the institutions to make more money because with the proliferation of DVD players the institutions know if they release a DVD people are going to buy it if they like the film. Therefore meaning they can make more money/profit from a variety of different platforms. The proliferation of hardware also has a negative effect on institutions because people may not go to the cinema to watch the films they may just wait for it to come out on DVD, meaning they loose cinema ticket sales. Also people could borrow friends/relatives DVD's meaning they are not paying to watch it, making institutions loose money. 

Effects on audiences- The audience can now buy a DVD and then watch it as many times as they like and not have to pay more than once for it. It also allows them to watch it when every they want and they also get to watch the extra bits that come with the DVD. 
  • Importance of technological convergence: The merging of different technologies giving the audience access to media content from a variety of platforms in one system. For example: Smart phones. 
In the film industry the number of platforms where you can view films is proliferating all the time. 

Advantages & Disadvantages:
  • More people have access to films from different platforms.
  • They can watch films when they want.
  • It creates new opportunities for distribution and exhibition. 
  • The growing of piracy and lost revenue.
  • There is less control on audiences by film distributors & exhibitors. 
  • Issued raised with national & local audiences: The targeting of national and local audiences (specifically British) by international or global institutions & Compare differences in UK/ US advertising. 

How your experience of media consumption illustrates wider patterns and trends: The audience are changing the way they want to consume films constantly. For example:
  • Home cinema
  • Downloads
  • Netflix/Lovefilm
  • DVD/Blu-Ray
  • Sky Box Office 

You need to be able to discuss…

Production: The making of the film; pre-production and funding; shoot (format); post-production.

Distribution: The way the film gets to screens; distribution company.

 Marketing: The process of raising awareness; targeting an audience; creating publicity through various methods.

 Exchange: The point of sale: buying the ticket (online or in person); downloading; receiving a DVD in the post etc. 
Exhibition: The way we view; getting the film to a paying audience. 
Nature of audience consumption: The different types of ways to watch films; what is the current trend.
Relationships between audiences and institutions: Target audience; how do different types of people watch films and why.

  • 20 marks for analysis, arguing & explaining
  • 20 marks for use of examples
  • 10 marks for use of terminology 
  • Cross-media convergence and synergy are vital processes in the successful marketing of media products to audiences.” To what extent do you agree with this statement in relation to your chosen media area? You must choose to focus on one of the following media areas. You may also refer to other media in your answer. Film - Music - Newspapers - Radio - Magazines - Video games.
  • To what extent does digital distribution affect the marketing and consumption of media products in the media area you have studied? Candidates must focus on one of the following media areas: Film - Music - Newspapers - Radio - Magazines - Video games.
  • Successful media products depend as much upon marketing and distribution to a specific audience as they do upon good production practices.” To what extent would you agree with this statement, within the media area you have studied? Candidates must choose to focus on one of the following media areas. You may make reference to other areas in your answer. - Film - Music - Newspapers - Radio - Magazines - Video games.
  • Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in the production and exchange of media texts in your chosen media area. Candidates must choose to focus on one of the following media areas. You may make reference to other areas in your answer. - Film - Music - Newspapers - Radio - Magazines - Video games.
  • What significance does the continuing development of digital media technology have for media institutions and audiences? Candidates must choose to focus on one of the following media areas. You may make reference to other media in your answer.
  • Media production is dominated by global institutions, which sell their products and services to national audiences.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? Candidates must choose to focus on one of the following media areas. You may make reference to other media in your answer. Film Music Newspapers Radio Magazines Video games
  • How important is technological convergence for institutions and audiences within a media area which you have studied? Candidates focus on one of the following media areas though you may make reference to other media where relevant to your answer.
  • Discuss the ways in which media products are produced and distributed to audiences, within a media area, which you have studied. Candidates must choose to focus on one of the following media areas though you may make reference to other media where relevant to your answer.
Production, Distribution, Marketing, Exchange & Exhibition stages should be discussed within your answer.

Thursday 8 May 2014

To what extent does digital distribution affect the marketing and consumption of media products?

Films being distributed digitally affects the marketing process and consumption in many different ways. 

Digital distribution is when films are transferred to the cinema digitally by a computer file, this makes the marketing process of film a lot easier as it allows the film to be advertised via YouTube, Tv, Online film websites & pop ups. The consumption of film is also affected in a positive way because digital distribution means the film will stay at the same quality, no matter how many times the audience consume it. Whereas a print on a reel of film will decrease in quality every time they are consumed. Digital distribution also allows the audience to consume the film in a variety of different ways as the digital files can be shown on many platforms, such as Computer & Tv. 

360 degree marketing is achieved due to digital distribution because the files being digital allows marketing to keep up with technology. Therefore films can be advertised by showing trailers, small teaser clips of the film rather than having posters in the newspaper where people will no longer look because of new technology such as, online, YouTube. Meaning the audience is more likely to see the advertisement of the film, creating a bigger audience and a bigger profit. 

The marketing of film being done digitally via the internet, for example Trailers, the audience is more aware of new released films because more people use the internet, therefore gaining a bigger audience for institutions.


Skyfall was released in 2012, gaining a massive audience due to the advantages they had from the marketing of the film because of the budget they had, a film trailer was released along with a sound track, known as Cross Media Convergence. This would not have been possible without digital distribution. However Fish Tank that was released in 2009 did not have this advantage from their marketing, therefore they didn't have a worldwide audience because of their budget and many people did not even know about the release of the film. This is due to the fact that Fish Tank was made by a independent British company. Sky Fall made a Profit of over 1 billion dollars whereas Fish Tank only made a profit of nearly 3 million dollars.

Ill Manors was released in 2012, the director and writer was Plan B. Plan B's sound track was also released at the same time, using synergy (using a singer as the director and his sound track to promote the film) to create a bigger audience for the film. This is because Plan B will already have his own fan base, meaning people who like Plan B will want to watch his film. Therefore this marketing technique increases the number of people that consume the film.

Disney uses a variety of different marketing techniques to advertise their films. For example: 

  • The Disney store
  • Disney Land
  • Disney Characters 
  • Disney Books
  • Disney Films 
  • Disney Channel  
This is an example of synergy from the result of digital distribution because this amount of marketing would not be able to take place if distribution was still done by prints of film as it would be too expensive and take too long and clothing in the Disney store would have to have the pictures printed on digitally. Therefore Digital distribution allows marketing to take place on a variety of different platforms easily.                               

Digital Distribution: 

Distribution is the process of getting/transferring films to the cinemas/exhibitors. Films are distributed by computer files/digitally. The distributors will choose the release date for the film depending on up coming film releases. 


Marketing is done by distributors, it is the process of advertisement for film to raise awareness of new released or up coming released films. Marketing can be done in a variety of different ways. For example: 

  • Trailers
  • Teaser trailers
  • Posters
  • Interviews
  • Pop ups
  • Posts via social networks
  • Merchandise.


Consumption is the way films are consumed by the audience. For example: 

  • Cinema 
  • Tv 
  • Internet
  • 3D
  • Netflix
  • Lovefilm
  • YouTube
  • X-Box
  • Sky Box Office 
  • Social Networks
  • Downloading 
  • Tablets
  • IMax/3D Cinemas

Using what was already there. For example: 
  • Trailers
  • Posters

Using new technologies available. For example: 
  • Twitter 
  • Internet

Tuesday 6 May 2014

How your experience of media consumption illustrates wider patterns and trends

The way audiences consume media is changing due to the fact there are many different ways of consuming films. 

From my own experience of consuming films via Netflix, Lovefilm & Sky Box Office there is no need to go to the cinema and pay more money to consume the film. This effects film institutions because they are loosing money and profit of their films as people are consuming them in different ways. However my experience of going to the cinema is much more effective than watching a film at home because of the quite atmosphere, dark lighting, huge screen and surround sound. From online trailers, for example: Youtube and online social media, such as Twitter & Facebook advertising new films the audience and I am aware of up coming new films release, this creates a buzz for the film and makes me want to go to the cinema to watch them.

During the productions stage, Film institutions will make their films in 3D to draw the attention of the audience and make them go to the cinema as a limited amount of people can watch 3D films at home, therefore it forces people to go to the cinema. Film institutions do this because the number of people that go to the cinema has decreased, therefore they make their film bigger and better in order to gain a bigger audience and also to compete with the other film competition, For example: in 2012 Skyfall was released and around the same time The Rocky Horror show was also released, however the Rocky Horror show could not compete with Skyfall as skyfall made $88, 364, 714 whereas The rocky Horror Show only made $211, 243. Films are now made digitally rather then on film which helps keep continuity of quality because digital films stay at the same quality no matter how many times they are shown, whereas shooting on film is of a better quality then digital when shown for the first time but once shown over and over again the quality of it will decrease. To shoot digitally is cheaper for production and benefits the audience because they can consume films via the internet on movie websites and other media due to them being digital. Production companies may be effected by the audience consuming films online due to the fact it may be done illegally, meaning the production companies will loose money as people are watching the film without paying for it. 

Monday 5 May 2014


The representation of gender is shown through this clip with the use of camera work (camera shots, movement and angles), editing, sound & mise-en scene. 

Camera work: 

Representations of gender is shown through camera work. There is a low angle which is looking down on the male character, this allows the audience to see his venerability, meaning he is subordinate which is normally stereotypically portrayed through female characters as it is a feminine characteristic. An extreme close up on the female character is used during the flashback to show her struggle and fear, portraying her as feminine. However there is also a medium close up used on the female character which contrast with the extreme close up because in the close up she is shown to be confronting the male character, showing braveness and fearlessness and also power, therefore showing her to be dominate. The establishing shot  at the very start of the clip allows the audience to see the setting, where the action will take place, during this establishing shot the male character is at a higher level than everyone else, due to him standing on a higher platform, looking down at everyone else. There is also a close up of the doctor in a cage, this strongly portrays him to have feminine characteristics due to the fact he is be controlled by the other male character, the doctor being in a cage represents him to be powerless. 
The shot of earth lacks verisimilitude because it doesn't represent the real world due to the fact that it isn't believable. 


Representations of gender has been shown through the use of editing. Eye-line matches are used a number of times. For example at the very beginning of the clip there is a eye-line match between the women and the man in the suit. During this eye-line match the man is shown to be masculine as he is portrayed as dominate. A flashback is also shown in the clip which uses the montage editing technique. During this flashback the women is portrayed to have a masculine role because she controlling the way people are thinking about the doctor. However just before this flashback there is a cross dissolve of the women shown to be struggling. This shows her feminine side because the stereotypical women cannot cope in tough situations. Straight cuts are also used to show one scene and then another one at a quick pace to keep the viewers attention. While the women is telling the story there is a shot reverse shot used while in conversation. The women is portrayed to be dominate as everyone is listening to her she becomes masculine. 

The representation of gender is also shown through sound. Throughout the clip diegetic, non-diegetic, asynchronous and synchronous sounds are used. The diegetic and synchronous sound used in the clip is the dialogue/speech. The deep, loud voices portray the characters as masculine, whereas the quite, sweet voices portray the characters as feminine. Also through the characters speech you can hear when they become scared or unsettled which shows a feminine side. There are a number of non-diegetic and asynchronous sounds used. For example the background music throughout the clip which changes when the atmosphere becomes tense. The exaggeration of the footsteps in the clip creates a masculine feel as it also creates a tense atmosphere, meaning something is about to happen. The sound effects used such as the ticking clock creates suspense for the audience and also the laugh which shows masculinity as it is a women laughing which shows she is brave in this situation. 

Mise-en scene:
costume & make-up
body language 

lastly the representation of gender is shown through Mise-en scene. The costume of the worn by the main female character comes across very masculine as she is wearing trousers and a leather jacket whereas the other female character in the clip is wearing a silk, red dress showing feminine characteristics as she looks classy and expensive, whereas the other women is portrayed to not care about her appearance which is expected for a feminine female. The male character is wearing a suit which portrays him to be masculine as it signifies he is of a higher class or has more power. The setting of the clip looking like a space ship is very much masculine as space is associated with men. The decor of the location used is very plain and simple suggests that its masculine as a feminine decor would be very colourful, pretty and vibrant. The props used throughout such as the doctors pen shows masculinity because it represents power and shows that the male character is in control, however this could also show a feminine side because without the pen the male character would have no power, leaving him weak and powerless. The body language of the male character in a suit at the beginning of the clip comes across very confident, as this is a masculine characteristic he is portrayed to be masculine. The body language of the female character comes across both masculine and feminine in different parts of the clip. For example: when she starts to laugh at the male character in the suit she is portrayed to be masculine because she is coming across brave which is associated with masculine men. Whereas when she is told to kneel down by the male character she comes across feminine because she does at she's told. Throughout the clip personal distance is used between the characters, therefore this could suggest that the characters are not masculine enough to create intimate distance.  

Overall the representation of gender is shown through masculine and feminine character, either being portrayed as dominate or subordinate with the use of camera work, editing, sound and mise-en scene.


Realism - do the different techniques used make these piece realistic?
Verisimilitude - the construction of a believable world, bearing resemblance to real world
Stereotypes - how people are expected to be or represented in larger groups
Denotation ( or denotes) - the meaning of something eg we could see that from the empty bottles they had been drinking.
Connotation ( or connotes) - the implication of that meaning eg they are all alcoholics and will die due to lover failure! 

Monday 31 March 2014

Disability & Ability

Camera work- shot types, movement & angles: 

Firstly there is a aerial view shot used that straight away establishes the difference between the disabled character and the able bodied character. This is because the aerial shot allows the viewers to see the two separate sides of the room, the disabled characters side of the room has a number of children toys, very messy and is very brightly coloured, whereas the able bodied character has a very plain, clean and tidy side of the room. A pan camera movement is used to show the able bodied boy's feelings and reaction towards his disabled brother. Following this a close up is used of the disabled brother, this instantly allows the viewers to notice he has Down syndrome from his facial features. An extreme close up follows the close up, the extreme close up shows the disabled boy to be in his own world and suggests that he cannot interact properly with able bodied people. After this a number of medium close ups are used that show the disabled son is treated different compared to the able bodied son, this is shown through the disabled son being able to do anything he likes and get away with it. There is a close up of the able son showing him to begin to realise he is being treated different. The able bodied son being treated different is supported when the following close up shoes the mum kissing and saying goodbye to her disabled son but not to her able son. Shortly after there is a medium close up of the disabled son at school he is portrayed to be very scared while waiting for his brother, this allows the viewers to see the disabled characters vulnerability. A number of close ups are then used at the end of the disabled brother on the bus on his own, he is shown to be very scared and lonely, this shows that he constantly needs looking after and isn't used to being on his own. 


A cross dissolve is used to show two shots at the same time, this shows the relation and link between the two different shots. A number of eye line matches are used throughout the clip, the main one at the beginning of the clip shows the able bodied son looking down on his disabled brother, this shows that the able bodied son has a higher status because his brother has a disability. There are a number of montage black and white images used to show the able boys thoughts. There is a shot reverse shot used during a conversation at the end of the clip this helps keep continuity of the conversation. During the conversation about going to a party the disabled brother is just standing by the side on his own, this shows that he isn't invited and as he is disabled cannot do normal activities that other normal teenagers/characters of his age do. 


In the clip diegetic,non-diegetic, asynchronous and synchronous sounds are used.
The narration throughout the whole clip shows an able bodied characters perspective of person with a disability. The speech of the disabled boy instantly shows that he has a disability because he is unable to speak properly like his able bodied brother. There is also a variety of background music used to portray different atmospheres, a sounds effect of an explosion is used. When the able bodied boy says his disabled brother is like "a big potato with eyes" he is suggesting that he's not really human and he's not always there mentally. 

Mise-en scene: 

The setting of the clip being partly a school shows that the disabled character has quite a normal life as normally children with a disability are not associated in normal schools. However throughout the clip the able bodied son is looking after the disabled son, therefore portraying him as a baby because he always needs looking after, have a babysitter. The lighting at the start if the clip in the aerial view shot is very gloomy & dark, this helps portray the negative feelings of the able bodied son towards his disabled brother. The decor in the disabled brothers side of the room is very brightly coloured and has a variety or drawings/posters on the wall, this suggests that the disabled sons disability makes him stay a baby/ act like a child. The props used, such as: children toys also portrays the disabled son to act like a child and not have the ability to act his age. The costume worn by the disabled character is very messy and untidy, this suggests that he can not look after himself or dress himself as he does not have the ability to do so. The clip suggests that people with disabilities do not fit in with able bodied people as the media generally portrays them to be different. 

Overall the clip generally portrays ability and disability through the disabled son not being the 'norm' as he is having to be looked after constantly whereas the able bodied son is portrayed to have is own mind and ability to look after himself.n

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Digital Technology

  •  What significance does the continuing development of digital media technology have for media institutions and audiences? You should focus on FILM but you may make reference to other media such as: Music, Newspapers, Radio, Magazines or Video games.

The development of digital technology has a massive significance for media institutions and audiences. 


New digital technology such as: digital cinemas affects film institution,  within the production stages (pre-production, production & post-production)in both positive and negative ways. Shooting on digital has three main advantages. These are: The cost of shooting digitally are a lot lower than shooting on film, the whole process of shooting digitally is easier and after shooting you can review the footage to make sure you got the shot you wanted. On the other hand there is a disadvantage to shooting digitally. This is that the digital image is not as good quality as when a film shot on film is shown for the first time. However the more the film shot on film is shown the quality of it decreases as it gets damaged through the process of the film being rewound over and over again and shown through a projection. Whereas digital films will stay the same quality.
The development of 3D films has a positive impact on the production stages. This is because a lot of the audience will not be able to consume the films in 3D at home so will be forced to consume them in cinemas or imax cinemas. This then makes more profit/money for the production companies. Many production companies have to rely on computer software because due to the development of technology a number of films are now computer generated. For example: Toy Story. Toy Story was released in the UK during 1995. The production budget of Toy Story was $30,000,000. The domestic opening weekend gross was $29,140, 617. Box Office gross was $191, 780, 865. The worldwide Box Office gross was $364, 530, 148. Making a total profit of 
$555, 451, 630.
The development of new technology allows production companies to used a wide range of new special affects, such as: The Green Screen. This is when actors/actresses are shot in front of a green screen allowing production companies to edit the shot by putting them on a different background to make the actors/actresses do something that wouldn't normally be done. For example: Flying.   


Due to the development of films being distributed by computer files, there are advantages and disadvantages for film institutions. The advantages are: The cost of distributing the films are lower & the process of distribution is a lot faster with the access to the internet, compared to driving tins of film to cinemas. The main disadvantage of films being distributed by files is that it is easier for hackers to get hold of the files which then leads to illegal downloading of the films.

The development of new technology affects the marketing process in a very positive way, in terms of being able to advertise the films in a variety of different ways. For example: with the development of the internet, trailers of the films are shown all around the world to make a buzz for the film and create the 'must see' feeling. Due to the many different ways of advertising the film using technology the 360 degree method is used. This is where advertising/marketing of a film hits the audience from every angle/direction, meaning everywhere you look or go the film is advertised to make you want to consume it. With new technology films can also be advertised on the radio, interviews with the main actors or even in a magazine. Technological convergence is a positive for the marketing process of films because it allows the films to be advertised over a variety of different technology such as on the internet vier YouTube. This allows the trailers to be watched anywhere and by anyone at any time which therefore could suggest that more people will want to consume the film witch will benefit production companies and exhibitioners. 


The changes within the exhibition process, due to digital technology affects film institutions in a negative way. This is because the changes of technology allows there to be a higher risk of piracy as it is easier to copy the films by recording them on smart phones while watching at cinemas. To prevent piracy from happening there is a common release date for films to be released at the same time, worldwide. Also another negative is that it is very difficult and expensive to change cinemas to digital. Another point is that not many people go to the cinema anymore to consume films because the development of technology allows then to consume them from home. 


Constant development of new digital technology has a positive affect on audiences. This is mainly due to the vase majority of ways films can be consumed. For example: YouTube, LoveFilm, Television, X-boxes, Tablets, Smart Phones, DVD & Apps. As there is so much choice for the audiences to consume films there is no need for them to go to the cinemas and it works out cheaper because there are ways of downloading films for free which will save money. As a result of LoveFilm as a new technology the audience can consume new released films from at home on the internet, television or smart phone. Technological convergence is when different technology is used to do the same thing, for example: the development of online websites, such as YouTube allows the audience to consume trailers of all the different films, this is a positive for audiences as it will let them know if the film is worth consuming or not. 

The development of 3D films impacts the audience because it means they will have to go to 3D cinemas or imax cinemas to consume a 3D film. 3D televisions are now available, meaning that 3D films can now be consumed at home. However in order to consume the 3D films the audience will need a 3D telly, 3D classes and a 3D DVD in order to be consumed.