Monday 31 March 2014

Disability & Ability

Camera work- shot types, movement & angles: 

Firstly there is a aerial view shot used that straight away establishes the difference between the disabled character and the able bodied character. This is because the aerial shot allows the viewers to see the two separate sides of the room, the disabled characters side of the room has a number of children toys, very messy and is very brightly coloured, whereas the able bodied character has a very plain, clean and tidy side of the room. A pan camera movement is used to show the able bodied boy's feelings and reaction towards his disabled brother. Following this a close up is used of the disabled brother, this instantly allows the viewers to notice he has Down syndrome from his facial features. An extreme close up follows the close up, the extreme close up shows the disabled boy to be in his own world and suggests that he cannot interact properly with able bodied people. After this a number of medium close ups are used that show the disabled son is treated different compared to the able bodied son, this is shown through the disabled son being able to do anything he likes and get away with it. There is a close up of the able son showing him to begin to realise he is being treated different. The able bodied son being treated different is supported when the following close up shoes the mum kissing and saying goodbye to her disabled son but not to her able son. Shortly after there is a medium close up of the disabled son at school he is portrayed to be very scared while waiting for his brother, this allows the viewers to see the disabled characters vulnerability. A number of close ups are then used at the end of the disabled brother on the bus on his own, he is shown to be very scared and lonely, this shows that he constantly needs looking after and isn't used to being on his own. 


A cross dissolve is used to show two shots at the same time, this shows the relation and link between the two different shots. A number of eye line matches are used throughout the clip, the main one at the beginning of the clip shows the able bodied son looking down on his disabled brother, this shows that the able bodied son has a higher status because his brother has a disability. There are a number of montage black and white images used to show the able boys thoughts. There is a shot reverse shot used during a conversation at the end of the clip this helps keep continuity of the conversation. During the conversation about going to a party the disabled brother is just standing by the side on his own, this shows that he isn't invited and as he is disabled cannot do normal activities that other normal teenagers/characters of his age do. 


In the clip diegetic,non-diegetic, asynchronous and synchronous sounds are used.
The narration throughout the whole clip shows an able bodied characters perspective of person with a disability. The speech of the disabled boy instantly shows that he has a disability because he is unable to speak properly like his able bodied brother. There is also a variety of background music used to portray different atmospheres, a sounds effect of an explosion is used. When the able bodied boy says his disabled brother is like "a big potato with eyes" he is suggesting that he's not really human and he's not always there mentally. 

Mise-en scene: 

The setting of the clip being partly a school shows that the disabled character has quite a normal life as normally children with a disability are not associated in normal schools. However throughout the clip the able bodied son is looking after the disabled son, therefore portraying him as a baby because he always needs looking after, have a babysitter. The lighting at the start if the clip in the aerial view shot is very gloomy & dark, this helps portray the negative feelings of the able bodied son towards his disabled brother. The decor in the disabled brothers side of the room is very brightly coloured and has a variety or drawings/posters on the wall, this suggests that the disabled sons disability makes him stay a baby/ act like a child. The props used, such as: children toys also portrays the disabled son to act like a child and not have the ability to act his age. The costume worn by the disabled character is very messy and untidy, this suggests that he can not look after himself or dress himself as he does not have the ability to do so. The clip suggests that people with disabilities do not fit in with able bodied people as the media generally portrays them to be different. 

Overall the clip generally portrays ability and disability through the disabled son not being the 'norm' as he is having to be looked after constantly whereas the able bodied son is portrayed to have is own mind and ability to look after himself.n

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