Wednesday 19 March 2014

Digital Technology

  •  What significance does the continuing development of digital media technology have for media institutions and audiences? You should focus on FILM but you may make reference to other media such as: Music, Newspapers, Radio, Magazines or Video games.

The development of digital technology has a massive significance for media institutions and audiences. 


New digital technology such as: digital cinemas affects film institution,  within the production stages (pre-production, production & post-production)in both positive and negative ways. Shooting on digital has three main advantages. These are: The cost of shooting digitally are a lot lower than shooting on film, the whole process of shooting digitally is easier and after shooting you can review the footage to make sure you got the shot you wanted. On the other hand there is a disadvantage to shooting digitally. This is that the digital image is not as good quality as when a film shot on film is shown for the first time. However the more the film shot on film is shown the quality of it decreases as it gets damaged through the process of the film being rewound over and over again and shown through a projection. Whereas digital films will stay the same quality.
The development of 3D films has a positive impact on the production stages. This is because a lot of the audience will not be able to consume the films in 3D at home so will be forced to consume them in cinemas or imax cinemas. This then makes more profit/money for the production companies. Many production companies have to rely on computer software because due to the development of technology a number of films are now computer generated. For example: Toy Story. Toy Story was released in the UK during 1995. The production budget of Toy Story was $30,000,000. The domestic opening weekend gross was $29,140, 617. Box Office gross was $191, 780, 865. The worldwide Box Office gross was $364, 530, 148. Making a total profit of 
$555, 451, 630.
The development of new technology allows production companies to used a wide range of new special affects, such as: The Green Screen. This is when actors/actresses are shot in front of a green screen allowing production companies to edit the shot by putting them on a different background to make the actors/actresses do something that wouldn't normally be done. For example: Flying.   


Due to the development of films being distributed by computer files, there are advantages and disadvantages for film institutions. The advantages are: The cost of distributing the films are lower & the process of distribution is a lot faster with the access to the internet, compared to driving tins of film to cinemas. The main disadvantage of films being distributed by files is that it is easier for hackers to get hold of the files which then leads to illegal downloading of the films.

The development of new technology affects the marketing process in a very positive way, in terms of being able to advertise the films in a variety of different ways. For example: with the development of the internet, trailers of the films are shown all around the world to make a buzz for the film and create the 'must see' feeling. Due to the many different ways of advertising the film using technology the 360 degree method is used. This is where advertising/marketing of a film hits the audience from every angle/direction, meaning everywhere you look or go the film is advertised to make you want to consume it. With new technology films can also be advertised on the radio, interviews with the main actors or even in a magazine. Technological convergence is a positive for the marketing process of films because it allows the films to be advertised over a variety of different technology such as on the internet vier YouTube. This allows the trailers to be watched anywhere and by anyone at any time which therefore could suggest that more people will want to consume the film witch will benefit production companies and exhibitioners. 


The changes within the exhibition process, due to digital technology affects film institutions in a negative way. This is because the changes of technology allows there to be a higher risk of piracy as it is easier to copy the films by recording them on smart phones while watching at cinemas. To prevent piracy from happening there is a common release date for films to be released at the same time, worldwide. Also another negative is that it is very difficult and expensive to change cinemas to digital. Another point is that not many people go to the cinema anymore to consume films because the development of technology allows then to consume them from home. 


Constant development of new digital technology has a positive affect on audiences. This is mainly due to the vase majority of ways films can be consumed. For example: YouTube, LoveFilm, Television, X-boxes, Tablets, Smart Phones, DVD & Apps. As there is so much choice for the audiences to consume films there is no need for them to go to the cinemas and it works out cheaper because there are ways of downloading films for free which will save money. As a result of LoveFilm as a new technology the audience can consume new released films from at home on the internet, television or smart phone. Technological convergence is when different technology is used to do the same thing, for example: the development of online websites, such as YouTube allows the audience to consume trailers of all the different films, this is a positive for audiences as it will let them know if the film is worth consuming or not. 

The development of 3D films impacts the audience because it means they will have to go to 3D cinemas or imax cinemas to consume a 3D film. 3D televisions are now available, meaning that 3D films can now be consumed at home. However in order to consume the 3D films the audience will need a 3D telly, 3D classes and a 3D DVD in order to be consumed.   

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