Monday 10 March 2014


Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of Sexuality using the following: 

  • Camera shots
  •  Editing
  •  Sound
  •  Mise en scène
Firstly the representation of sexuality is shown through a medium close up. This shot allows the viewers to see the two women looking in the mirror as the women behind complements the other while she is trying on a dress. This could suggest that the women have a sexual feeling/attraction between one another and portrays them to have a cense of lesbian sexuality because when the women is complementing the other women her tone of voice makes her sound very passionate about what she is saying. The cense that the women is a lesbian is also shown through the women's facial expressions in the medium close up because she looks slightly scared when she is complementing the women as if she doesn't want her to find out her sexuality.

Following this there is a zoom shot showing the women character watching the lady sleeping. During  this you see that the women has an urge to touch the ladies body, however she is preventing herself. This shows her to have the sexuality of a lesbian but as she is portrayed to hide her sexuality throughout the clip, it suggests that it is not acceptable to be attracted to the same sex. 

There is also a close up used of the women who is painting the lady. During this shot you see that the women is distracted by the lady as she is shown to be daydreaming. In this shot you also see the women's paint dripping on her clothes and a shot reverse shot is used to show the audience what specific parts of the body the women is looking at(breasts & vagina) as she is looking at these certain body parts it shows her sexuality to be portrayed as a lesbian. 

After this a long shot is used showing the man character to be very angry that the women is showing an attraction to the lady and not him. He is portrayed to have a heterosexual sexuality as he is shown to be very against the women looking at the other lady. 

The sounds used throughout the clip to show the representation of sexuality are either diegetic, non-diegetic, synchronous or asynchronous. There is a diegetic voice over at the start of the clip which shows the women's sexuality of a lesbian due to her expressing how beautiful she thinks the other women looks. There is also a non diegetic sound of the birds, this is used to portray a peaceful setting. 

Throughout the clip there are many cross dissolves used to allow the audience to see two shots at the same time. This therefore shows between the two shots. By using the cross dissolves it helps keep continuity. A number of eye line matches are also used throughout the clip. At the very beginning there is a eye line match between the two women as one character is trying on a dress. This shot allows the viewers to see the sexual tension between the two and portrays their sexuality to be lesbians. Another eye line match that was used to show sexuality was also between the two women when painting. During the eye line match it shows one of the women to be looking at the others breasts in a daze. Therefore this shows that the women's sexuality is lesbian. Shot reverse shot is used during a conversation between the male character and the women character. During the shot reverse shot the audience can see that the male character is heterosexual because he is disgusted when he sees the women looking at the other women in a sexual manor. Towards the end of the clip parallel editing is used when showing two events at the same time cutting from one to the other. One event is the conversation between the man and women characters and the other event is the other women walking towards them. The parallel editing being used in this way allows the audience to see the relevance between both events. 

The costume used in the clip shows that the clip is set in a different time period. It can also suggest that the women have the same sexuality as they are all wearing long dresses. The costume of the women could also suggest that the women are not prohibited to show there sexuality as there dresses cover their whole body and are not reveling at all. The costume worn by the male character portrays him to be a straight man as he is wearing a masculine suit. In some scenes the lighting is very dark, this could support the idea of the women not being able to express her feelings for another lady as it creates an emotional,scary  atmosphere. The male character is portrayed as a heterosexual this shows that he is against sexual attraction of the same sex. However because of the way he acts by making the women pretend to love him it could suggest that he is afraid of others finding out the women he's with is in love with a women. The setting of this clip shows that it is set in old fashion times, therefore being a lesbian or having feelings for a person of the same sex would not be accepted and therefore this could suggest that this is the reason why the women is hiding the way she feels. 

Overall the representation of sexuality is shown through camera shots, editing, sound and mise-en scene, this allows the viewers to see the two types of sexuality: Lesbian & heterosexual to be portrayed through the use fear and a secretive atmosphere.   

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