Monday 12 May 2014

Section B revision

Institutions & Audiences

Answer planning:Use a PECA system to present your case in the exam

Point - make your point and use language form the actula question to establish your understanding.
Evidence - 'Back up' your argument (the point) with evidence from an Event Movie
(your hollywood case study) OR Indie Movie( British Film Case study)
Comparison then make a comparison between ONE film industry and the OTHER using connective language - However......On the other hand......Opposed to this..... On the contrary.... Similarly etc

Finally - Link everything back to the question through a concluding comment that Analyses the impact/difference/similarities

You should be familiar with: 
  • Issued raised by media ownership: Debate & explore the advantages & disadvantages of large conglomerates and smaller independent companies. For example: Film London Microwave, Film London's Micro-budget feature film & BBC Film produced Ill Manors (All independent companies). Whereas Sony & MGM produced Skyfall(Both large international conglomerate companies). 
Advantages & Disadvantages of big companies:

  • Will be able to take risks when making films.
  • Won't need to collaborate to secure funding.
  • Can be more ambitious with film. For example:Get bigger starts, have more special effects and travel to better locations.
  • More money and better links to related companies. For example: Sony Pictures Entertainment(Production Company) and Sony Pictures(Distribution Company) and Sony Platforms to exhibit film. 
  • Can use synergy and cross promote via games, music & toys etc.
  • Able to use Cross media convergence.
Production & Exhibition-
  • Films often have to satisfy a mass market and creatively film makers cannot take as many risks as so many large companies do satisfy and revenue to achieve.
  • The film has to do well at Box Office.
Advantages & Disadvantages of independent companies: 

Production & Exhibition-
  • Smaller independent companies can take more risks due to the fact that there is less money involved in the process of making the film. Bigger companies cannot do this. 
  • Less budget so the film will be less ambitious, with smaller scale cost, location and  special effects.
  • Often have to secure extra funding and finance.
  • Has to be targeted as less money to spend on distribution campaign.
  • The film is expected to make less revenue at the Box Office.
  • Can't withstand losses with Box Office returns.
  • Importance of cross media convergence & synergy: Within Production, Distribution & Marketing processes. 
Cross media convergence-
The combining of two or more mediums (media products) Such as, the release of a film and a sound track, therefore the music industry & the film industry work together. For example: When Adele released a sound track for the film Skyfall at the same time as the film was released.

The release of two or more products to promote each other. Meaning they have a beneficial relationship, known as symbiotic. For example: the film promotes the sound track, which promotes the DVD, which promotes the game Ect.

Cross media convergence & synergy are very similar but the key difference is that cross media convergence involves media products. Whereas synergy can involve non media products. For example: Merchandise.

  • Synergy & Cross media convergence- Film, CD, DVD, Game(media related products).
Synergy- Film and Sony watches, TV's, computers that have many links to Skyfall(not media related products).

Ill Manors: 
  • Synergy & Cross media convergence- Ill Manors film & Plan B's CD, the DVD, Blu-Ray and the website(media related products).
  • Synergy- Any clothing, calendars, that are released at the same time as the film(not media related).
  • Recent technologies that have been introduced: The continuing development of digital technology and how if effects the production, distribution, marketing, exchange and exhibition stages. 
Advantage & Disadvantages

Production- With the development of digital technologies, films are now shot on digital rather than film. This is an advantage because it keeps continuity of quality no matter how many times the film is shown. Whereas when shooting on film the quality decreases every time the film is shown.

Distribution- Due to the development of digital technology films are now sent to the cinemas by computer files instead of sent on roles of film in tins. This has both advantages and disadvantages. For example: it is a easier process and is a lot quicker. However the files are very easy to copy and piracy often takes place because it easy to do and it is very un likely that any one will know you have copied the file. 

Marketing- The development of digital technology allows the marketing process of the film to be worldwide as trailers on Youtube can be seen all over the world. This effects the institutions because it allows them to market their films on a number of different platforms making more profit. (More money is normally spent on marketing than actually making the film). This also effects the audience as it makes them more aware of new up coming films that are going to be released, whereas in previous years the only way the audience could find out what films are on is by going to the cinema. 

Exhibition- Developing technology of Tablets, iPads, TV's and smart phones ect effects both the institutions and audience. The audience has more choice of where they can watch the film and they can watch the films as many times as they like if they download it or buy it on DVD or watch it on VODInstitutions however can loose money because cinema views are decreasing as the audience no longer need to go to the cinema to watch a new film. However because of the proliferation of DVD players the institutions have more platforms they can make money from. For example: Cinema ticket sales and DVD sales.
  • Proliferation in hardware and content: To increase something or making it spread at a rapid rate. 
  • Digital cameras and 3D cameras
  • Iphones and Iplads
  • The internet and social networks
  • Mobiles with internet and cameras
  • DVD'S and Blu-Ray
Advantages & Disadvantages:

Effect on institutions- Allows the institutions to make more money because with the proliferation of DVD players the institutions know if they release a DVD people are going to buy it if they like the film. Therefore meaning they can make more money/profit from a variety of different platforms. The proliferation of hardware also has a negative effect on institutions because people may not go to the cinema to watch the films they may just wait for it to come out on DVD, meaning they loose cinema ticket sales. Also people could borrow friends/relatives DVD's meaning they are not paying to watch it, making institutions loose money. 

Effects on audiences- The audience can now buy a DVD and then watch it as many times as they like and not have to pay more than once for it. It also allows them to watch it when every they want and they also get to watch the extra bits that come with the DVD. 
  • Importance of technological convergence: The merging of different technologies giving the audience access to media content from a variety of platforms in one system. For example: Smart phones. 
In the film industry the number of platforms where you can view films is proliferating all the time. 

Advantages & Disadvantages:
  • More people have access to films from different platforms.
  • They can watch films when they want.
  • It creates new opportunities for distribution and exhibition. 
  • The growing of piracy and lost revenue.
  • There is less control on audiences by film distributors & exhibitors. 
  • Issued raised with national & local audiences: The targeting of national and local audiences (specifically British) by international or global institutions & Compare differences in UK/ US advertising. 

How your experience of media consumption illustrates wider patterns and trends: The audience are changing the way they want to consume films constantly. For example:
  • Home cinema
  • Downloads
  • Netflix/Lovefilm
  • DVD/Blu-Ray
  • Sky Box Office 

You need to be able to discuss…

Production: The making of the film; pre-production and funding; shoot (format); post-production.

Distribution: The way the film gets to screens; distribution company.

 Marketing: The process of raising awareness; targeting an audience; creating publicity through various methods.

 Exchange: The point of sale: buying the ticket (online or in person); downloading; receiving a DVD in the post etc. 
Exhibition: The way we view; getting the film to a paying audience. 
Nature of audience consumption: The different types of ways to watch films; what is the current trend.
Relationships between audiences and institutions: Target audience; how do different types of people watch films and why.

  • 20 marks for analysis, arguing & explaining
  • 20 marks for use of examples
  • 10 marks for use of terminology 
  • Cross-media convergence and synergy are vital processes in the successful marketing of media products to audiences.” To what extent do you agree with this statement in relation to your chosen media area? You must choose to focus on one of the following media areas. You may also refer to other media in your answer. Film - Music - Newspapers - Radio - Magazines - Video games.
  • To what extent does digital distribution affect the marketing and consumption of media products in the media area you have studied? Candidates must focus on one of the following media areas: Film - Music - Newspapers - Radio - Magazines - Video games.
  • Successful media products depend as much upon marketing and distribution to a specific audience as they do upon good production practices.” To what extent would you agree with this statement, within the media area you have studied? Candidates must choose to focus on one of the following media areas. You may make reference to other areas in your answer. - Film - Music - Newspapers - Radio - Magazines - Video games.
  • Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in the production and exchange of media texts in your chosen media area. Candidates must choose to focus on one of the following media areas. You may make reference to other areas in your answer. - Film - Music - Newspapers - Radio - Magazines - Video games.
  • What significance does the continuing development of digital media technology have for media institutions and audiences? Candidates must choose to focus on one of the following media areas. You may make reference to other media in your answer.
  • Media production is dominated by global institutions, which sell their products and services to national audiences.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? Candidates must choose to focus on one of the following media areas. You may make reference to other media in your answer. Film Music Newspapers Radio Magazines Video games
  • How important is technological convergence for institutions and audiences within a media area which you have studied? Candidates focus on one of the following media areas though you may make reference to other media where relevant to your answer.
  • Discuss the ways in which media products are produced and distributed to audiences, within a media area, which you have studied. Candidates must choose to focus on one of the following media areas though you may make reference to other media where relevant to your answer.
Production, Distribution, Marketing, Exchange & Exhibition stages should be discussed within your answer.

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