Monday 19 May 2014

Class &Status

Camera Work
The representation of Class&Status is shown through Camera work with the use of shot types, angles, movement & composition
At the beginning of the clip there is a high angle shot, this allows you to see the girl character looking up at the boy, meaning the boy is looking down on the girl. This shows the boy to have a higher status as he is looking down at the girl, belittlleing her. Shortly after this there is a close up of the new girl character that has been introduced. During this close up you can see the girls reaction to the situation that is taking place, which is known as a reaction shot, she is portrayed to have a low status as she is shown sitting in the background with no contol of what is happening. Next there is a over the shoulder shot & again the boy character is looking down on the girl showing a higher status. However after this there is a extreme close up of the boys eyes, this aloww you too see the panic and fear in his eyes, this could suggest that he no longer has the high status because he has lost contol of the situation. There is a tracking shot of the boy character when he is running away, this shows low status as he is not big enough to stand up & face up to what he has done. After there is a long shot of the hall way and a new women character is introduced in the background, this could suggest that the women has a higher status than the others because the whole shot is focused on her and the more screen time a character gets the more important they are. Another over the shoulder shot is used but this time the new women character is looking down on the girl as she has a lower status than the women as she is dying. A high angle is used on the school car park, during this shot school children are shown running around, this shows they have a low status as they are school kids. A tilt is used on the boy character, he is still shown to have a higher status as he still has the gun in his had,representing him to be powerful. Another high angle is used of the girl character when she is lying dead on the floor, this shows low status as she is lifeless. Following this there is a medium close up of another women character that is introduced, during this shot it shows middle class as the denotation is she's wearing a suit & connotes she is a professional of some sort and also suggests higher status as she has been informed about the situation. After there is a extreme long shot of the boy walking in the streets, he is shown to be very small compared to the world around him, therefore showing him to have a very low status as he is very small, showing no power. There is a long shot following this showing the police men and women with their guns, this shows middle class as they are police men or women and also shows higher status because they have guns and are in control of the situation. 

Mise-en scene
Secondly the representation of Class&Status is portrayed through Mise-en scene with the use of setting, lighting, decor, costume ect. 
The realism of the characters is portrayed to be very realistic as stereotypically teenagers that have been brought up by a working class family would be portrayed in the same way by having the same rude attitudes and bad tempered, angry body langauge. Versimilartude is also shown a number of times throughout the clip because the storyline is very believable a similar to real life situation. The denotation of the boy character is that he has a gun. Further more you can connote that he is going to fill someone with it.  
The costume of the characters being a very untidy school uniform, with the boy character wearing a hoodie and the girl character wearing hooped earrings and a chain neckless. This shows working class as wearing hooped earrings and hoodies are a stereotype of working class people. Due to the fact that the boy has a gun it shows both Class&Status as the boy is shown to have a higher status because he has the power and control over the girl character, meaning he is dominate and she is subservient. However he is shown to be working class as he has a gun which is associated with working class gangs. The teacher that is introduced towards the end, wearing the suit is shown to be model class as she is wearing a suit but also portrayed to have an higher status than the other teacher because she is wearing casual clothes but also the character in the shot takes control of the situation showing she has a higher status. The setting and decor of the house portrays middle class because of the luxuries they have that are shown in various shots. On the other hand the other location of the back streets, ally's and gardens show working class as it looks very much like an estate. 

Thirdly the representation of Class&Status can also be shown through sounds by diegetic, non- dieget, synchronous and a synchronous sounds
The screaming of the girl character at the start of the clip is diegetic and synchronous. It shows the girl to have a low status as she is scared. There are also police sirens, this is diegetic and synchronous, they portray a high status as stereotypically police men/women have a high status. Also the dialogue of the police men when he is shouting shows a high status because he is I control and the boy character with the gun listens to him and does what he says, the dialogue is also diegetic and synchronous. The music throughout the the clip is non- diegetic and asynchronous, the music allows you to know when the action is about to take place as it will get more up beat when something is about to happen. The two gun shots throughout the clip are diegetic and synchronous, this shows working class as guns are stereotypically used by working class people. 

Lastly the representation of Class&Status can be shown through a number of editing techniques of either continuity editing or montage editing.
Throughout the clip there are a number of eyeliner matches used to show a high and low status of the characters. This is because when the characters are looking down on another character, for example the girl character, it shows they have the higher status and the character they are looking down on have a low status. At the beginning of the clip a shot reverse shot is used to help keep continuity when in conversation, this also allows the audience to interact with the characters and see their reactions to what the other character is saying. A number of straight cuts are also used, this is a form of montage editing. 

Overall the representation of Class&Status is shown through camera work, Mise-em scene, sound and editing to portrays both working class & middle class and high and low statuses. 

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