Tuesday 5 November 2013

what I can imagine from a clip of music

First piece of music: 

From listening to this piece of music I can imagine that there has been a death and this music is playing at a funeral while they are carrying the body through the church in a coffin or while the body is being lowered into the ground and buried. I could image the people all crying and wearing all black clothing because its very dark and tense music.

Second piece of music:

From the second piece of music I can imagine soldiers that have survived in the war returning back to their families and homes, walking through the battle fields where there are all dead bodies left lying on the ground, their enemies and their friends. I can also imagine that when the soldiers reach to where their families are waiting their is one mother who is still waiting for her son to arrive, all the other families leave happily with their sons,grandsons ect and she is standing all alone at the bottom of a hill looking for her son to walk over the hill, she walks away because she believes he isn't coming back because he must have been killed in battle and then as she turns her back and the music gets tense and faster, a soldiers walks over the hill and she thinks it is her son from looking in the distance but as he gets closer she realises that it is not her son and the music goes slow and sad again.

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