Tuesday 5 November 2013

film opening analysis

film opening:

Mise-en scene:

The setting for the film opening includes modern, tall, high buildings that suggest the clip is set in a urban area. In the first few seconds of the opening there is a yellow taxi that is introduced into the scene this is associated with America. Therefore the viewer would assume the setting of this clip is set in America.

During the opening the street lights are still on and the lighting of the scene is dusk, showing that it is early morning because the streets are empty. This can suggest that the city hasn't woken up yet because it't quite.

When the lady is walking towards the building she moves very elegantly as she looks through the window. The man at the end of the opening clip is shown to be shouting at the women and very up close to her when speaking. This suggests that he is a aggressive man or angry about something that has happened.

The women's small black handbag and her white over the shoulder cardigan shows that her outfit is very classy. Towards the end of the clip another character(male) is introduced driving a expensive and vintage car,. This allows the viewer to assume that the character has a lot of money to spend on possessions.

In the opening you can see that the main character is wearing a long expensive black dress with pearls attached. This portrays her as a wealthy person. It can also be assumed from her appearance and the fact that she is wearing long silk gloves that she is a posh and sophisticated character. Following this the lady is also shown to be wearing natural looking amount of make-up which shows  her elegancy.
The man at the very end of the clip is very smartly dressed wearing a black suit, this suggests that he is also wealthy.


At the start of the opening clip there are credits used to show who is in the clip, who filmed, who edited and music used. The credits are fading in and out of the different shots. This is so that you can still see what is happening in the shots and doesn't distract the audiences attention from the clip itself. When the title of the film is show it is when the women character is eating her breakfast outside the Tiffany shop. Therefore this shows why the film is called 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'.


Throughout this opening there are edited shots that dissolve from one shot to another, either fading in or out. This type of editing is used to show that the shots are meant to be together because they are both relevant. Two action match shots are used in this opening, one at start and one at the end. The first action match shot shows the women walking towards the building window and then a following shot showing her standing outside by the window. The second action match shot shows the women running towards her front door and then the following shot is her and the man inside the house. Another type of editing used during this clip was in the middle when there is a straight cut, this shows the women looking in the window/mirror and then cuts to her face.


The opening of this clip doesn't include many sounds because it is only a few seconds long. However there is one non-diegetic and one diegetic sound. The non-diegetic sound was the background music used to create a certain mood. The music was very relaxing and gentle. This is used to support the idea that the women is elegant and the city is still asleep. The only diegetic sound that was found was when the man is shouting at the women when she is running towards her house. This is used also used to support the idea of the man being aggressive.

camera shots:

The first shot type was a long shot of the city that allows the viewers to see where the opening is set and where the following shots will take place. After this a tracking shot of the taxi as it moves closer and stops outside. This shot allowed you to see that the city was quite and empty. When the women is walking away from the shop the pan shot is used twice to show what the women is looking at when walking. There is also a shot used to establish to the audience where the character is. For example: the sign saying 'Tiffany'. This shot was a low angle shot and then follows with a tilt shot as the camera moves down from the sign to the women when she is walking towards the window.

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