Saturday 2 November 2013

Half - Term: Regional Identity Analysis

Once watching the clip for the first time my initial thought where that the clip is set in the olden days. This is because of the way the buildings look, the clothes they wear, the way they speak, the traditional/old fashion way of living and the way the characters act. My initial thought were also that the clip is set in an old village in the country.

Camera shots: 

There is an over the shoulder shot used on both characters at the start f the clip while in conversation. This helps the conversation flow and allows the audience to see the reaction of each character after the other has spoken.

A close up is used on the girl listening to the conversation going on in the other room. This shot shows her reaction to what they are saying.

Shot reverse shot is used on each character when in conversation so you can get to know the character more and learn their reaction.

There is a tilt shot used showing the town. This allows you to see the buildings and the area which shows that it is dark and old fashion.

A medium long shot is used on the women washing the clothes, this allows the viewer just to see the women washing the clothes and you can then learn clearly that it is a old fashion city because they are having to do things by hand there isn't advanced technology yet.

There is a extreme long shot used on the women when walking down the stairs, this shows all her clothes she is wearing and you can tell that they are different from what the others are wearing and make her look quite posh.

After a extreme close up is used on the mens feet when they are walking down the starts, this is to show that its a important moment and highlights that the clip must be set in the city because there are lots of working men and they are rushing because cities are always very busy.

When showing the horse and carriage a high angle shot is used. This shows that the city is traditional and old fashion because they do not have the use of cars or technology.


There is a eye line match used at the start of the clip when the women is speaking to the man. The man is looking down on the women and the women is looking up to the man.

Also after the conversation stops the women starts to walk back and she fades away and there is a blackout on her body, showing that the conversation has finished.

When all the men are rushing, walking down the starts the shots cut from one to another showing different people walking at different times.


The sounds used in this clip where diegetic, non-diegetic, synchronous and asynchronous.
The characters speaking and use of language was very posh and they used very old fashion words, this shows that the clip is set in the olden days.

You can also hear the women at the start of the clip begin to cry when speaking to the man because of the changes happening to the town. This shows that the clip is set in an old fashion city but it is starting to change and become the new modern city.

There are also many footsteps that you hear throughout the clip which shows that it is a very busy, working city.

Also music is used through the clip to help show the different atmospheres within the different scenes in the whole clip.

When the women is walking through the narrow ally way there is a narrater used which supports the idea of her being new to the area and her coming from the country because it says it is much greener where she comes from.

There is also the noise of the steam train, you do not see the steam train but you can hear it. This shows that it is set in the city because the countryside wouldn't have the use of a train.


The first thing I noticed was the clothing that they are wearing, I can clearly see that they are old fashion and would suggest that they are from the olden days, the way they speak and the language they use also supports this because it is old fashion language.

Fist of all I did think because of the small, dark buildings and ally ways that the clip was set in a country village. However from watching the clip many times I noticed that there are lots of working people and the sound of the steam trail gave it away that the clip is set in an old fashion city.

Another reason why I can suggest it is set in olden days because of the way the women are doing the washing and drying it. The use a big pot full of water and a wooden stick to clean all their dirty clothes. Therefore this shows that they do not have a washing machine and it is not set in modern period. The clothes are also hung out of the windows to dry, this shows the old fashion/traditional way of doing washing. Due to there being many women doing the washing I can assume that the women stay at home cleaning,cooking and looking after the children while the day goes out and provides for the family. This also supports the idea of it being a rural/traditional city.

When the working mean see the women they seem quite excited and happy, this makes me assume that she is a different looking character to who the men would normally see and they are surprised to see her.

The women seems to be quite lost and scared, this shows that she is not from the area and everything is new to her, the clothes she is wearing also shows that she is not from the area because they are different from everyone else's clothes. She is very well dressed and the other are wearing working/dirty clothes, this suggests that she may be posh and come from the country.


Over all after watching the clip several times I now know that the clip is set in an old fashion city because it is very busy unlike how the countryside would be, which is where I did think initially the clip was set.

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