Wednesday 27 November 2013

Age Analysis

Initial thoughts:

From watching Criminal Justice my first thoughts where that the older characters in the clip have more experience about the prison and they seem more relaxed. This can suggest that they have been in prison for a long time and have got used to the conditions. It seems to me that the older characters have excepted that they are in prison. Whereas the younger boy seems lost and frightened.

Camera shots:

The first shot that stood out was the close up of the younger boys eye. This shot clearly showed that he was scared because you could see his eyes moving from side to side. It can be suggested that he is a new prisoner because of the way he is acting.

Another shot was the medium long of the younger boy and then the slightly older boy. From this shot you can see that the older characters in this prison have the control and power. This is because there is an eye-line match showing the older character looking down on the boy. This shot also shows both characters reaction, the younger boy is clearly frightened about was is going to happen to him. whereas the older character is enjoying making him scared.

There is a close up shot of the boy and then an elderly man that establishes the two characters have respect for each other even when they are of different ages. This is shown through the characters touching knuckles. As a viewer you know that this shot is important because it is a close up but its an enigma code because we do not know why yet.

The over the shoulder shot during the conversation between the boy and the elderly man showing both characters reactions to what both of them are saying to each other. From this shot you can see that the younger boy is very unsettled and confused so he is getting advice from the elderly man.

There is a extreme long shot showing the all lights going of. This shot shows the light at the end of the tunnel and can suggest that there is a way out of the prison for the younger boy but the light is very small which can also suggest that is is very unlikely to get out.

A number of close up of the younger boys face are shown while he is trying to get to sleep. This supports the idea that he is a new prisoner because he can not get to sleep which can mean that it is his first night in the prison.

After the close up shots there is a shot showing the electric gates and barbed wire around the prison. This shows that the prisoners of all ages are trapped and there is no way out.

Outside of the prison there is a long shot showing the walking conversation between a police man and what looks to be a higher up officer. You can see again that the older man have more power then the younger boy, just like the relationships with the prisoners.


In this clip there are non-diegetic sounds, diegetic sounds, asynchronous sounds and synchronous sounds.
At the start of the clip there is an unknown sounds in the background that almost sounds like a time bomb waiting to explode. This shows that the younger boy is just waiting for something around the corner to happen. The beat of the sound getting faster and faster makes the audience also believe that something is going to happen because of the way the music is building up tension.
Another sound used is when the older character blows on the younger boys face. This is used to emphasis how the older characters in the prison behave. From this sounds we learn how the older characters react to the younger generation.
There are a number of key sounds used to establish where the setting of the clip is. This is also used to emphasis the power of the older generation because the police men have the keys that can free them or keep them locked up.
Another sound used is screaming in the background, shouting and laughing. This is when the younger boy s trying to get asleep. These sounds are used to make the viewer imagine that someone is getting beaten up. From the voices used when shouting it suggests that the character getting beaten up is younger and being punished by the older characters.


The setting of this clip includes plain and simple buildings. There is a police officer introduced after a few seconds which suggests that the setting is a prison.
In parts of the clip the lighting is very dark. For example: the close up of the younger boy when he is trying to sleep, this suggest that the younger generation in the prison can not cope with being in that situation.
The body language of the older characters is very strong and confident, this suggests that the older characters in the prison think they run the prison and are the ones in control. Whereas the younger boys body language is very weak which suggests the younger characters are vulnerable when in the prison. The costume of the characters are all the same, they are all wearing blue tracksuits which also supports the idea of the setting being a prison but also shows that there is no real difference between the younger and older generation and could suggest that they are equal because they are all shown in the same clothing, there is no one that stands out from the crowd.
When the elderly man and the younger boy was having a conversation, the elderly man was giving the young boy advice on how to cope with being in prison this could suggest a number of things. For example: he could have been in prison for a long time and know how to cope or he remembers what he was like when he first came to prison but mainly it suggest that he has respect for the younger generation and therefore shows why he is wearing the top with the word "listener" on it because he is respectful and caring of others no matter what there age is.


There is an eye-line match between the younger boy and the older boy at the start of the clip. This edit shows that the older character has more control over the younger character because he is looking down on the boy.
During the conversation in the prison cell with the elderly man and the younger boy there is a shot reverse shot. This is used to keep the conversation following and show the reaction of the characters. You learn as a viewer that from the shot reverse shot that the younger generation are scared of the older generation but in this case the young boy seems shocked that the elderly man cares about other prisoners.
There is an action match of the elderly man walking through the prison cell door this can suggest that the elderly man wants to be away from the other prisoners and keep himself to his self.
There is also another eye-line match of the younger boy having to look up to the elderly man, this can show that you are more respected the older you are because the young boy is looking up to the elderly man.

Overall this clip shows the representation of age through the younger generation and the older generation. The older characters are shown to have more power and control over the younger characters.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

film opening analysis

film opening:

Mise-en scene:

The setting for the film opening includes modern, tall, high buildings that suggest the clip is set in a urban area. In the first few seconds of the opening there is a yellow taxi that is introduced into the scene this is associated with America. Therefore the viewer would assume the setting of this clip is set in America.

During the opening the street lights are still on and the lighting of the scene is dusk, showing that it is early morning because the streets are empty. This can suggest that the city hasn't woken up yet because it't quite.

When the lady is walking towards the building she moves very elegantly as she looks through the window. The man at the end of the opening clip is shown to be shouting at the women and very up close to her when speaking. This suggests that he is a aggressive man or angry about something that has happened.

The women's small black handbag and her white over the shoulder cardigan shows that her outfit is very classy. Towards the end of the clip another character(male) is introduced driving a expensive and vintage car,. This allows the viewer to assume that the character has a lot of money to spend on possessions.

In the opening you can see that the main character is wearing a long expensive black dress with pearls attached. This portrays her as a wealthy person. It can also be assumed from her appearance and the fact that she is wearing long silk gloves that she is a posh and sophisticated character. Following this the lady is also shown to be wearing natural looking amount of make-up which shows  her elegancy.
The man at the very end of the clip is very smartly dressed wearing a black suit, this suggests that he is also wealthy.


At the start of the opening clip there are credits used to show who is in the clip, who filmed, who edited and music used. The credits are fading in and out of the different shots. This is so that you can still see what is happening in the shots and doesn't distract the audiences attention from the clip itself. When the title of the film is show it is when the women character is eating her breakfast outside the Tiffany shop. Therefore this shows why the film is called 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'.


Throughout this opening there are edited shots that dissolve from one shot to another, either fading in or out. This type of editing is used to show that the shots are meant to be together because they are both relevant. Two action match shots are used in this opening, one at start and one at the end. The first action match shot shows the women walking towards the building window and then a following shot showing her standing outside by the window. The second action match shot shows the women running towards her front door and then the following shot is her and the man inside the house. Another type of editing used during this clip was in the middle when there is a straight cut, this shows the women looking in the window/mirror and then cuts to her face.


The opening of this clip doesn't include many sounds because it is only a few seconds long. However there is one non-diegetic and one diegetic sound. The non-diegetic sound was the background music used to create a certain mood. The music was very relaxing and gentle. This is used to support the idea that the women is elegant and the city is still asleep. The only diegetic sound that was found was when the man is shouting at the women when she is running towards her house. This is used also used to support the idea of the man being aggressive.

camera shots:

The first shot type was a long shot of the city that allows the viewers to see where the opening is set and where the following shots will take place. After this a tracking shot of the taxi as it moves closer and stops outside. This shot allowed you to see that the city was quite and empty. When the women is walking away from the shop the pan shot is used twice to show what the women is looking at when walking. There is also a shot used to establish to the audience where the character is. For example: the sign saying 'Tiffany'. This shot was a low angle shot and then follows with a tilt shot as the camera moves down from the sign to the women when she is walking towards the window.

what I can imagine from a clip of music

First piece of music: 

From listening to this piece of music I can imagine that there has been a death and this music is playing at a funeral while they are carrying the body through the church in a coffin or while the body is being lowered into the ground and buried. I could image the people all crying and wearing all black clothing because its very dark and tense music.

Second piece of music:

From the second piece of music I can imagine soldiers that have survived in the war returning back to their families and homes, walking through the battle fields where there are all dead bodies left lying on the ground, their enemies and their friends. I can also imagine that when the soldiers reach to where their families are waiting their is one mother who is still waiting for her son to arrive, all the other families leave happily with their sons,grandsons ect and she is standing all alone at the bottom of a hill looking for her son to walk over the hill, she walks away because she believes he isn't coming back because he must have been killed in battle and then as she turns her back and the music gets tense and faster, a soldiers walks over the hill and she thinks it is her son from looking in the distance but as he gets closer she realises that it is not her son and the music goes slow and sad again.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Half - Term: Regional Identity Analysis

Once watching the clip for the first time my initial thought where that the clip is set in the olden days. This is because of the way the buildings look, the clothes they wear, the way they speak, the traditional/old fashion way of living and the way the characters act. My initial thought were also that the clip is set in an old village in the country.

Camera shots: 

There is an over the shoulder shot used on both characters at the start f the clip while in conversation. This helps the conversation flow and allows the audience to see the reaction of each character after the other has spoken.

A close up is used on the girl listening to the conversation going on in the other room. This shot shows her reaction to what they are saying.

Shot reverse shot is used on each character when in conversation so you can get to know the character more and learn their reaction.

There is a tilt shot used showing the town. This allows you to see the buildings and the area which shows that it is dark and old fashion.

A medium long shot is used on the women washing the clothes, this allows the viewer just to see the women washing the clothes and you can then learn clearly that it is a old fashion city because they are having to do things by hand there isn't advanced technology yet.

There is a extreme long shot used on the women when walking down the stairs, this shows all her clothes she is wearing and you can tell that they are different from what the others are wearing and make her look quite posh.

After a extreme close up is used on the mens feet when they are walking down the starts, this is to show that its a important moment and highlights that the clip must be set in the city because there are lots of working men and they are rushing because cities are always very busy.

When showing the horse and carriage a high angle shot is used. This shows that the city is traditional and old fashion because they do not have the use of cars or technology.


There is a eye line match used at the start of the clip when the women is speaking to the man. The man is looking down on the women and the women is looking up to the man.

Also after the conversation stops the women starts to walk back and she fades away and there is a blackout on her body, showing that the conversation has finished.

When all the men are rushing, walking down the starts the shots cut from one to another showing different people walking at different times.


The sounds used in this clip where diegetic, non-diegetic, synchronous and asynchronous.
The characters speaking and use of language was very posh and they used very old fashion words, this shows that the clip is set in the olden days.

You can also hear the women at the start of the clip begin to cry when speaking to the man because of the changes happening to the town. This shows that the clip is set in an old fashion city but it is starting to change and become the new modern city.

There are also many footsteps that you hear throughout the clip which shows that it is a very busy, working city.

Also music is used through the clip to help show the different atmospheres within the different scenes in the whole clip.

When the women is walking through the narrow ally way there is a narrater used which supports the idea of her being new to the area and her coming from the country because it says it is much greener where she comes from.

There is also the noise of the steam train, you do not see the steam train but you can hear it. This shows that it is set in the city because the countryside wouldn't have the use of a train.


The first thing I noticed was the clothing that they are wearing, I can clearly see that they are old fashion and would suggest that they are from the olden days, the way they speak and the language they use also supports this because it is old fashion language.

Fist of all I did think because of the small, dark buildings and ally ways that the clip was set in a country village. However from watching the clip many times I noticed that there are lots of working people and the sound of the steam trail gave it away that the clip is set in an old fashion city.

Another reason why I can suggest it is set in olden days because of the way the women are doing the washing and drying it. The use a big pot full of water and a wooden stick to clean all their dirty clothes. Therefore this shows that they do not have a washing machine and it is not set in modern period. The clothes are also hung out of the windows to dry, this shows the old fashion/traditional way of doing washing. Due to there being many women doing the washing I can assume that the women stay at home cleaning,cooking and looking after the children while the day goes out and provides for the family. This also supports the idea of it being a rural/traditional city.

When the working mean see the women they seem quite excited and happy, this makes me assume that she is a different looking character to who the men would normally see and they are surprised to see her.

The women seems to be quite lost and scared, this shows that she is not from the area and everything is new to her, the clothes she is wearing also shows that she is not from the area because they are different from everyone else's clothes. She is very well dressed and the other are wearing working/dirty clothes, this suggests that she may be posh and come from the country.


Over all after watching the clip several times I now know that the clip is set in an old fashion city because it is very busy unlike how the countryside would be, which is where I did think initially the clip was set.

Half - Term: Gender Analysis

After watching this clip for the first time my initial thoughts were that in the relationship there isn't really a huge masculine role played by either of them. They both seem to be portrayed as feminine and masculine in different parts of the clip. However I would say that from watching it once that the women in the relationship has more control over the man, therefore making her the more masculine character.

Camera shots:

The fist shot used is a medium long shot on the couple in the taxi, during this shot you see the man kiss his partners hand over and over again. This is showing his affection and love fir her which is a feminine thing to do because a masculine man wouldn't normally be all loving and soppy.

Another shot used is the close up on the man to show his reaction to the women saying sorry about a past mistake. From this shot you learn that he is more upset than angry. This also shows him to be quite feminine because masculine men are never emotional they are just aggressive.

Throughout the conversation there is shot reverse shot used to keep the conversation flowing. During these shots you can see that the women is having to look up to the man and he is having to look down on her, this shows that he is the masculine one because he has more power over her.  Over the shoulder shots are also used during the conversation to show the reaction of what the other character has just said.

A high angle shot is used on the women and the doctor when in the office type room. This is to show where they are and you can see all the action happening in the room.

There is also a tilt shot used, following with a close up on the women to show her reaction to what the doctor has said. In this shot you see that the women is crying, because we do not know what she is crying about either happy or sad tears, it makes the women seem very emotional and weak. therefore she must be a feminine women.

while the man is sitting, waiting outside for his partner there is a medium close up used and then a pan shot to show what he is looking at.  There is also a extreme close up used while he is sitting down, this shot shows him playing with his ring, this shows his love for his new wife because he smiles after. this shows that he has a feminine side.

Once the car has hit the women there is a high angle shot used on her body when laying on the floor and  long shot of the mans view looking at her on the floor.

Finally there are a number of close ups and over the shoulder shots used when there is a short conversation with the couple while the women says her last words and there is a final close up showing the women closing her eyes.


The editing used in this clip was the straight cuts from different shots. This allows you to see all the important parts of the clip in different scenes that you need to see without dragging the scenes and making you watch all the things that are not important or relevant.

There is also a number of eye-line matches while the couple are having a conversation. During the first part of the clip when they are in the taxi, the women is looking up to the man when speaking to him and the man is looking down on the women. This makes the man seem to be the masculine one and the women to be feminine because he has more power.

Also when you see the reaction of the man when his partner is hit by the car there is a type of slow motion used. This makes everything seem to have come to a stop and all you see is the man running towards his partner.


The sounds used in this clip were either diegetic, non-diegetic, synchronous and asynchronous.
There is music through out the clip that is quite calm and gentle, how you would imagine feminine music to be. This then changes when the atmosphere gets more tense when the women is hit by the car.

Other sounds you hear towards the end is the car crashing when it hits against the women and the sounds of the car screeching trying to stop, there is also cars beeping in the traffic. These sounds are used to create the atmosphere and draw your attention to the important moment.

Sound effects were also used during this clip, this was the mans heart beating when his partner is hit down by a car and then him breathing very heavy. The sound effects are over exaggerated so you are able to hear them to create a certain effect on the audience.


At the very start of the clip the couple are speaking about their past mistakes while in their relationship, from hearing what they have both done previously it seems that the relationship is a bit of a mess. Therefore I can suggest that there is no masculine role in this relationship because they would not allow the partner to cheat because they would be in control of what the partner does.

When the couple arrive at the hospital and get out of the taxi it shows the man to be confused about why he is there on his wedding day. The women is shown to be in control at this part of the clip because she doesn't tell him the full story about why they are there but he seems to be a push over and lets her get away with it and offers to go in with her but she shows another masculine role when she says she doesn't want him to come. This shows that she is brave and strong enough, just like you would think a masculine man would be, to do it on her own.

On the other hand, the women is wearing a dress. We can assume that this means she is a feminine women but it is her wedding day and she isn't wearing a stereotypical long wedding dress. Therefore this could also make her seem masculine because she isn't all dressed up like a feminine women would do on her wedding day. However you can see that the women is wearing make-up during the clip, this strongly supports her to be feminine because make-up is associated with feminine women.

The man in the relationship tends to do what every the women says. Therefore I can suggest that he is the feminine one and she is the masculine one because she holds all control over him and I can tell that he is very much in love with her, he is very soppy and day dreamy, this wouldn't be shown in a masculine characters role. Further on towards the end of the clip when the women is hit by the car you see that the man is crying, which we would expect but not from a big, strong masculine man, he would hold it all together, show that he is so strong.


Overall from watching this clip many of times I would say that the masculine role is played by the women in this relationship. This is because she just seems to have more power and control over the man and he listens to her and does as he's told.