Sunday 19 January 2014


Mise-en scene

Mise-en scene is used throughout the clip to show the representation of gender. This is shown through many different conventions. For example: setting, lighting, make-up and costume. 
In the first scene both of the women characters are trying to impress someone. This shows that the two females are both feminine because stereotypically feminine women feel the need to impress everyone. The costume of the characters show masculine and feminine. This is because the men are wearing suits which ca suggest they are masculine and the women are wearing skirts that then suggest they are feminine. The main setting of the clip is in the clothes shop. This is a feminine setting as you would relate a cloths/dress shop to a feminine women. Throughout the clip the lighting used is very bright, this could also support that the setting is feminine because bright, bold lighting would be associated with feminine scenes. Whereas in masculine scenes the lighting would be very dark and mysterious. The make-up that the young women is wearing shows that she is feminine because it makes her look elegant, gentle and sweet. In the scene when the alarm goes off, the man covers up the alarm in order for the person on the phone not to hear that he can not fix the alarm and is having trouble. This can suggest that the man doesn't want to be seen as if he can not cope because that would then make him become feminine. When the younger man character is introduced into the shop, he 'finds' the ring and then leaves the shop with it. This shows that he is masculine because he has control over the other man and doesn't listen to what he is saying, he just does what he wants to do. When the ending is reveled it shows that the who situation of the ring going missing was the women's plan, this makes her a masculine women because she has the power over the young man. This then makes the young man character who was portrayed as masculine before seem to be feminine. 

Camera shots

A variety of camera shots are used to show the representation of gender through this clip. 
The first shot used is a master shot. This shot establishes that the shop owner is a man which shows that he must be feminine in order to own a clothes shop. A over the shoulder shot is used between the shop owner and the elderly customer. This shows that the shop owner is masculine and the women is feminine because the man is looking down on the women and stereotypically men have a higher status then women. There is a close up used on the women's ring. This then draws the shop owners attention. Therefore this shows that the man is feminine because he is interested in jewelry and fashion. A tilt shot is used on the women. This shot shows she is a feminine character because she is wearing a long, expensive, elegant dress. There is a medium long shot showing the new men characters when being introduced. In this shot it shows the men drinking whisky, smoking and speaking about business, this then makes these characters masculine because drinking whiskey is associated with masculine men. A medium close up is used of the women panicking, getting stress and upset, this shows she is feminine because stereotypically feminine women are not able to cope is hard situations. There is also a close up showing a similar meaning of the man who can not fix the alarm, in this show it shows him to be stressed and unable to cope. This makes him then seem feminine. A long shot is used of the two men characters in the shop, this shot allows the viewer to see the man picking up clothes off the floor while the other man stands and looks at him cleaning. This makes the shop owner look feminine and the other man character masculine. 


Non-diegetic and diegetic sounds are used throughout the clip to show the representation of gender.
When the masculine men characters are introduced in the bar, you can hear their deep voices. This shows that they are masculine because deep voices are associated with masculine men. When the women is in the shop she says "my husband will kill me" when she has lost her ring. This shows that she is a feminine women because her husband has control over her. Another thing that the women says is "hair dressers appointment" this shows that she is feminine because she is getting her hair done. When the women is panicking about her ring the shop owner says "can I make a suggestion" this shows that he's masculine because he's taking control of the situation and telling her what to do. When the alarm sound is introduced it shows the man character to be a feminine man because he can not cope and fix the alarm. The background music throughout the clip shows both masculine and feminine. When the feminine women are in the scene the music is calm and innocent. Whereas when the masculine men are in the scene the music is deep and more up beat.


A number of editing techniques are used in the clip to show the representation of gender.
There is a shot reverse shot used between the shop owner and the young women. In this shot you can see the women's make-up that she is wearing. This makes her a feminine women as make-up is stereotypically associated with feminine women. There is a fade to black editing techniques used in the start of the clip when the scenes change over. The mens deep voices are introduced before the men are actually introduced. This makes them seem masculine before you even see what the characters look like because you hear them before you see them. The same editing technique is used with the women, the sound of her unzipping her bag is introduced before she is, this makes her seem feminine before you see her because bags are associated with feminine women. 

Overall the representation of gender is this clip is shown through mise-en scene, camera shots, sound and editing to portray characters as masculine men, masculine women, feminine women and feminine men.

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