Saturday 19 October 2013

stereotype research

Stereotype-Is a way in which a group of people or individuals are labeled due to there characteristics.
For example: working class people are shown to be trampy, dirty, messy, would take drugs, smoke and drink.

Gender as a stereotype can be shown in two ways. This could either be masculine or feminine.

The typical masculine man would be strong, powerful, controlling, earning a lot of money, providing for his family, wears blue, muscles, aggressive and good looking. This is only within our society, stereotypes can differ from other societies. What we could see as masculine could be seen as feminine in a different society.

Showing a typical feminine women she would be all about her appearance, wear lots of make up, shinny hair, fashionable, skinny, healthy, spend lots of money on clothes/shoes, always want to impress people and wears pink. Again this is only within our society.

However there are also masculine women and feminine men.

Stereotypes of masculine women would be to have muscles, strong, aggressive, toned body, manly features, no makeup and mainly short hair.

Feminine men are normally stereotypically camp, girly, wear a lot of make up, squeaky voice, wears pink, care a lot about their appearance and fashionable.

Both feminine men and masculine women stereotypes can change in different societies and theses stereotypes are just in our society.

Class & Status:
Class and Status is shown through upper class people, middle class people and working class people.

Class-is within society and is decided by your upbringing and the area you live in.
Status-is within groups of people and can change when in different groups. For example: A teacher would have a higher status than his students in the class but if the head teacher was to walk in he wouldn't have as high status.

Stereotypically upper class people are the ones that own businesses themselves and don't actually work or have to lift a finger. They earn lots of money, live in very big houses with swimming pool in their back garden, have expensive cars, wear designer clothes and be very highly educated.

Middle class would be doctors and teachers, people that work for their money. They would earn normal amount of money, live in average houses, have children/family, have a stable lifestyle and good education and qualifications.

Working class are people that have to work hard to earn their money, they may not be educated or have very limited education and skills. Stereotypically they would live in cancel houses or estates, be very messy, unclean, scruffy hair, not very well manured when speaking to people and unhygienic lifestyle.

Age is shown through old age, middle age, young adults, teenagers, infants and babies.

Elderly people are stereotypically weak, frail, have grey hair, very grumpy and sometimes rude, they have wrinkles, normally wear glasses, very lonely and slow either mentally or physically. They are also hard of hearing. Old aged people are normally parents, grandparents and even grandparents and they have a certain old person smell.

Middle aged people are very mature and normally parents but could be grandparents. They are associated with being depressed because they go through a mid-life crises. They are used to a day to day routine and are starting to get weaker because they are getting older.

Young adults are stereotypically rebellious people they are starting to being independent, going university, working and going to parties. Normally in relationships, employed and have lots of qualifications, could smoke, take drugs and drink and could be starting a family or have a family.

Typical teenagers are stroppy, spotty, lazy and very moody. They are normally very attention seeking. They can be very stuck up, hormonal. Many stereotypes of teenagers are associated with drinking and drugs, they are normally hooligans. They are also very up to date with the use of technology.

Infants are very playful, can be very messy and quite immature. They are very needy of their parents and can become quite clingy. They are normally moody because they are teething. They start to get very clumsy because they are learning new things, such as walking. Also they are very loud.

Babies are always either crying or sleeping. they are very small and frail. They are normally very loud and always the centre of attention. Babies have a certain smell and are very cute. All babies wear baby grows and get very messy. A lot of babies start of to be very chubby.

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