Thursday 3 October 2013


Representations of  Gender shown through a clip

As a fact gender is male or female. However there is other ways men and women are portrayed in the media. This could be masculine, male or female. Meaning that they would be shown as tough, overpowering and in control. Another way is feminine, male or female. This means they would be shown as sensitive, fashionable, caring and sometimes vulnerable.

The media creates certain characters as a stereo type, not all men and women are like this in the real world but the media wants you to believe they are, they make you think the media life is real.

Mise-en scene 

Through out this clip gender is shown through being masculine and feminine(male or female characters). 

The lady's cloth shop being owned by a man shows that he must be a feminine man because men as a stereotype do not like shopping, only girls do. Therefore he must have a feminine side to his character. The way he walks over to the older lady at the start of the clip shows him to be very feminine because he walks very floppy and calmly, not up straight, standing tall and strong as if he would if he was a masculine man. Also the voice of the shop owner isn't very deep as you would think a man's voice should be, his voice is rather high. This shows him as a feminine man and also could highlight his type of sexuality to be slightly camp.

Both women in this video are shown that they want to look good. The younger women wants to impress her husband and the older lady want to impress her daughter. This shows the feminine side to both women as they want to be impressing by showing their fashionable side. You see that the blonde haired character in the shop is whiling to pay £3000 for her dress just to look good. This makes us as a viewer believe that she is extremely feminine to pay that much for one dress. Whereas a man would never spend that amount of money on clothes just for one dress.

Further on in the next scene you see the masculine men being introduce in their exclusive mens pub, drinking their whisky, smoking and smartly dressed in suits. There voices are very deep which shows they are masculine men. They are talking business which shows they could be playing the traditional masculine role of the men by being a work while the women stay at home. The fact that one character is standing up tall over the bar shows he thinks he has a lot of power and control being he is a man, this must mean he is presented as a tough masculine character. Toward the end of the clip the men are shown again for only about a minute but they are shown to be laughing and joking, still drinking their whiskey without a care in the wold because they are strong masculine men.

When the lady from the shop looses her ring she becomes very vulnerable and panics that her husband will kill her because she lost her very expensive ring. This shows her feminine side again as she is worried about what her husband will think. This clearly shows that her husband has more power and control then she does. The shop owner is portrayed to be very feminine at the start however during this situation of the lady loosing her ring he stays very calm and he suggests a solution to what to do. This shows him to have a masculine side to his character because he become the strong one out of the two characters.

There is a new character introduced when he comes into the shop. Straight away from the way he speaks you can tell he is a masculine man because he addresses his new girl friend as "his new bird" this shows that he is showing off and from the he doesn't even create eye contact with the shop owner while in conversation it shows he thinks he is better than him, he doesn't even pick up the clothes he dropped on the floor. Therefore this shows he is a masculine man because he feels he can walk all over the shop owner because he has more power than the feminine owner of the shop.
Further more when the man finds the ring he come to the conclusion that he should keep the ring because as they say 'finders keepers'. The masculine man knows that there would be a reward for finding this ring. Therefore he keeps the ring and over powers the shop owner, walks out of the shop  and doesn't even think about his opinion or what he wanted to do with the ring.

Camera shots

Firstly a master shot is used on the shop owner while he is in the shop to show where the action will happen. At the start there was a very good angle shot used on the shop owner and the older women when in the shop. The shop owner was seen to be at a higher level to the women as he was looking down to her when speaking and she had to look up at him. This shows that the shop owner may have a masculine side to him because he feels that he is higher class than the women because she cannot afford the dress she wanted. There was a medium long shot closely after showing the older women walking away that showed the shop owner looking her up and down. This also shows that he feels he is more masculine then her because he is higher class. A close up is then used on the other women's ring mainly but does include her watch. This shows both masculine and feminine side to the shop owner because he could just  be interested in the people that have the money to afford the clothes so he can get more money or he could be interested in jewelry like he is shown to be with clothing. 

The medium close up used on the masculine men shows very few objects in the background so you can focus on them and not the area they are in. However there is enough background shown in order for you to identify where they might be. An over the shoulder shot is used during their conversation showing the importance of their conversation which keeps the conversation flowing and you can see both of their reactions.

Further more in the shop when the women is looking for her ring a medium close up leads to a close up of them both looking for the ring and then when the shop owner makes a suggestion on what to do. This helps show his masculine side because he is at a slightly higher level then her when speaking and she is looking to him for an answer on what to do about her ring. 

When the lady is leaving the shop there is a close up on the owners face to show the reaction he has to the reward she would give him if he found the ring.

A medium close up is then used of the shop owner searching for the ring on the fool. This medium close up shot allows you to see the new characters feet before you are actually introduced to him. This straight away shows the new character to be more masculine because the shop owner is on the floor looking very sensitive. A long shot is then used showing both characters in the shop, you see the man drop something on the floor and because he feels he is the masculine one out of the two he feels no need to pick up what he dropped on the floor and leaves it to the shop owner.

A close up is used on the ring when the man takes it out of him pocket and pretends that he found it on the floor. This shot was used because it's an important moment and helps us as a viewer learn about the masculine role this character has because he had the ring all the time, this makes him seem very sneaky and clever. Therefore he must be masculine because a women could never be in a conning situation. 

However at the end of the clip it reveals the blonde, fashionable women shown at the start was involved in the situation and didn't really loose the ring at all. Both characters played a part together to con money out of the shop owner. The women does not seem to be as feminine as you was at the start, she was in control of both the men, the shop owner and her partner in crime. Therefore she is a very masculine women to be able to be tough enough to complete the her plan.


When the owner of the shop goes to get the lady the dress she wants to see there is black out movement that goes across the screen. This then changes the scene and we go straight to the women in the dress. This is used so when watching the clip you don't see the scene changes you just recognize it is a different location. 

Before you are introduced to the men drinking their whiskey you hear his voice first and then he is shown in his scene. This show the man to be masculine as his voice is very rough and deep, just how you would imagine a masculine mans voice to be.

There is an eye line match between the costumer and the owner when he is talking to the older lady he is made to look down on her and then the women is forced to look up. This is to show the levels of status between them. Therefore because the owner of the shop is higher up it gives him more importance and he becomes the masculine one and the women shows no control and is the feminine one out of the two.

Furthermore when the lady in the shop looses her ring you hear her unzip her bag before the scene appears on the screen, this shows the change of scene to be seem less because you don's see the changes happen. This makes the women seem feminine as she is introduced by the sound of a bag.


The synchronous sounds used in this clip were the bag being opened by the noise of the zip that was over exaggerated and the man putting the coat hanger back. This noise of the coat hanger makes us think that the older women is not capable of holding the expensive dress. Therefore this makes the shop owner seem more masculine because he has the control of taking the dress away and not allowing her to buy it.

The non diegetic sound was the background music through out the whole clip. This helps to show masculine and feminine because when the men in the bar are shown drinking the whisky the music get more up beat and faster. whereas when the blonde women walks into the shop the music is calm.

The diegetic sound was the alarm going off when that man is trying to fix it. This sound shows the man to not be masculine because he can not fix the alarm and a strong masculine man should be able to fix everything. However he is on the phone and when the alarm goes off and he covers the alarm with a pillow so that the character on the phone could not hear him because he wanted to be seem as masculine.

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