Wednesday 12 February 2014

13th February- Homework

Successful media products depend as much upon marketing and distribution to a specific audience as they do upon good production practices. To what extent would you agree with this statement, within the film area. You may make reference to other areas in your answer. For example: 
• Film 
• Music
• Newspapers 
• Radio 
• Magazines
• Video games.

In the film industry marketing, distribution and good production practices are massively important. Marketing, production and distribution are ways of making the film popular, if this is not done correctly then the film will not be very popular. Therefore this is a very important factor that companies have to take into acount when making a film. It can be said that successful media products depend on all three(marketing,distribution and production companies) in a equal way as they are all as important as another but it could vary. 

A well known large film company is Disney. When making Disney films marketing and distribution are the key to making the film a success. The film company Disney has made over 158 films since it came about in 1923. When the first animated films were made, For example: The lion king, Disney became very popular. As the audience for Disney films is children it has more of a wide range audience because all children will like animated films and the films will stay popular for a very long time as children are born. Disney films then became available for children all over the world. For example: Robin Hood was a wide world film as it was shown in sixteen different languages. This shows just how important distribution of a film is. 

Marketing for Disney is very easy because they have their own shops, television channel, clothing and radio station. Therefore films can be can be advertised on the Disney channel which is watched all over the world, as the channel is there own company the distribution of the film is easy. Disney use viral marketing as they promote their films online making it appeal to their audience and allow people/children to see from everywhere as its on the internet. This is a reason why Disney are so popular because it allows the audience to be up to date with new films as they are advertised all across the internet. 

Although Disney shows that distribution and marketing of the film is a highly significant reason for films becoming a success the producion practices could been seen as more important. This is due to the fact that the better production practices the film has the better the film will be because of the budgets the production practices will have. Therefore the quality of the film will be massivly better and the film will become more popular as more people will want to watch a very good quality film. Also using well known/higher level production practices can make your film more popular because the viewers will know about previous popular films they have made and want to watch the new films because they know the films will be good and will appeal to them. 

Overall a good, quality, well known production practicies are more important when it comes to successful media products depending on marketing, distribution and production practices. 

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