Wednesday 4 December 2013

representation of gender


There are straight cuts used from one scene to another. The main cut that shows masculinity was the picture of the man who had be tired up around the mouth. This supports the idea of the masculine role played by the character who has just smashed through the door because he is tough enough and strong enough to do that to another man. Throughout the clip there are a number of action matches. Representation of gender is shown through the action matches by portraying either a masculine or feminine character. For example: when the man knocks on the door he does it very gently and then closes the door very slowly and calmly behind him. This shows that the character is not portrayed to be masculine at this part of the clip because he is very elegant as a feminine character would be portrayed. Whereas the masculine character towards the end of the clip is shown smashing the door open, this shows he is a masculine character because it makes him seem aggressive which is stereotypically how a masculine made would be viewed.

Camera shots:

At the start of the clip there is a over the shoulder shot of the women when in conversation, you see that she walks away from the man she is talking to. This shows she has control and plays a masculine character. On the other hand this could also be seen a feminine because she's not capable of giving a answer because she is weak and feminine.
Following this shot there is a medium close up of the women telling the officers what they each have to do. This suggests that the women is portrayed as masculine because she is the boss and has the power to tell other genders what to do.
There are a number of close up used on the man when he is looking at the photographs. It can be suggested that he is a detective and therefore shows him to play a masculine role because stereotypically a detective would be a masculine character. Also he is shown to be masculine because he is wearing a black suit and he is dealing with crimes which are associated with men. He is also portrayed to be clever in these close ups because he is working out evidence. Therefore he can not be feminine because the stereotype of a women would be thick/not capable.
To support the idea of feminine women not being able to cope there is a medium close up of the women struggling to look after her child and getting stressed about going to work. Due to her being at home in this shot and looking after her child it also shows traditional feminine ways.
There is a establishing shot of the abandoned house which shows that the characters will be masculine because they would be strong enough and brave enough to live in a derelict house.
When the masculine character walks into the house there is a tracking shot that follows him around the room for a few seconds. In this tracking shot you see the empty bottles and mess around the room which shows there is not feminine role in the house to clean.
There is a medium close up on a new character laughing at the extent of one of the characters getting there head smashed through a wall. This shows him to be a masculine character because be finds it funny. Whereas a feminine women would find it scary and uncomfortable to watch.
After there is a medium long shot of the child and the man character. This shot shows the man to be feminine because he can not control or fix the popcorn machine. A masculine man would be able to fix anything.


There are diegetic and non-diegetic sounds used in this clip. There is the background music when the man dealing with the crimes is portrayed to be masculine. The music supports this because it's tension music. There is also the should of the car which shows that the car is driving very fast in order to make this noise. This shows that the person driving is masculine because masculine characters are portrayed to have fast cars. There is also the loud smashing noise when the character smashes the door open, this shows he is masculine because he is very angry and violent.

Mise-en scene:

The main two masculine characters are wearing all black suited clothing which can suggest the idea of them because masculine because a stereotype of masculine is to wear suits. Wearing black is also associated with criminals and criminals are normally aggressive masculine men. Therefore this could also support the idea of the characters being masculine because one character deals with crime and the other is a criminal. The women is shown to have a important job. It can be suggested that the job is part of the police industry. This therefore shows her to be masculine because the police are stereotypically police men. The women is also shown to be feminine because she is worried about where her child is going to stay when she has to go to work and because she is wearing make-up it also suggests that she is feminine. When the man is looking after the women's child it can be suggested that he is then portrayed to be feminine because he becomes very interested in the child's feelings, this wouldn't be the case if he was portrayed as masculine because its the feminine characters that are the loving ones that listen to their children. By the way that the character in the long black coat speaks the viewers can tell that he is portrayed as a masculine character because he has a deep/harsh voice.

Overall from watching this clip the masculine roles are shown through aggressive and violent characters and the feminine characters are shown through being weak, not capable but loving and caring about the family.

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